Philippe Collard
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A study of fitness distance correlation as a difficulty measure in genetic programming
M Tomassini, L Vanneschi, P Collard, M Clergue
Evolutionary computation 13 (2), 213-239, 2005
From GAs to artificial immune systems: improving adaptation in time dependent optimization
A Gasper, P Collard
Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation-CEC99 (Cat. No …, 1999
Fitness clouds and problem hardness in genetic programming
L Vanneschi, M Clergue, P Collard, M Tomassini, S Vérel
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation–GECCO 2004: Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2004
Negative slope coefficient: A measure to characterize genetic programming fitness landscapes
L Vanneschi, M Tomassini, P Collard, S Vérel
Genetic Programming: 9th European Conference, EuroGP 2006, Budapest, Hungary …, 2006
Fitness distance correlation in structural mutation genetic programming
L Vanneschi, M Tomassini, P Collard, M Clergue
Genetic Programming: 6th European Conference, EuroGP 2003 Essex, UK, April …, 2003
Where are bottlenecks in NK fitness landscapes?
S Verel, P Collard, M Clergue
The 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2003. CEC'03. 1, 273-280, 2003
Eye-Tracking Evolutionary Algorithm to minimize user fatigue in IEC applied to Interactive One-Max problem
D Pallez, P Collard, T Baccino, L Dumercy
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference companion on Genetic and …, 2007
Two models of immunization for time dependent optimization
A Gaspar, P Collard
Smc 2000 conference proceedings. 2000 ieee international conference on …, 2000
DGA: An efficient genetic algorithm
P Collard, JP Aurand
ECAI 94, 487-491, 1994
An evolutionary approach for time dependent optimization
P Collard, C Escazut, A Gaspar
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 6 (04), 665-695, 1997
A comprehensive view of fitness landscapes with neutrality and fitness clouds
L Vanneschi, M Tomassini, P Collard, S Vérel, Y Pirola, G Mauri
European Conference on Genetic Programming, 241-250, 2007
Maximum homologous crossover for linear genetic programming
M Defoin Platel, M Clergue, P Collard
European Conference on Genetic Programming, 194-203, 2003
Fitness landscape of the cellular automata majority problem: view from the “Olympus”
S Verel, P Collard, M Tomassini, L Vanneschi
Theoretical Computer Science 378 (1), 54-77, 2007
Fitness distance correlation and problem difficulty for genetic programming
M Clergue, P Collard, M Tomassini, L Vanneschi
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2002
Fitness Distance Correlation, as statistical measure of Genetic Algorithm difficulty, revisited.
P Collard, A Gaspar, M Clergue, C Escazut
ECAI, 650-654, 1998
Local search heuristics: Fitness cloud versus fitness landscape
P Collard, S Verel, M Clergue
arXiv preprint arXiv:0709.4010, 2007
A quantitative study of neutrality in GP boolean landscapes
L Vanneschi, Y Pirola, P Collard
Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2006
Genetic operators in a dual genetic algorithm
P Collard, C Escazut
Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 1995
Deceptiveness and neutrality the nd family of fitness landscapes
W Beaudoin, S Verel, P Collard, C Escazut
Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2006
Relational schemata: A way to improve the expressiveness of classifiers
P Collard, C Escazut
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 397-404, 1995
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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