Wesley Bolch
Wesley Bolch
Professor of Biomedical and Radiological Engineering
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Global diffusion of eHealth: making universal health coverage achievable: report of the third global survey on eHealth
World Health Organization
World Health Organization, 2017
MIRD pamphlet no. 21: a generalized schema for radiopharmaceutical dosimetry—standardization of nomenclature
WE Bolch, KF Eckerman, G Sgouros, SR Thomas
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 50 (3), 477-484, 2009
Trends in use of medical imaging in US health care systems and in Ontario, Canada, 2000-2016
R Smith-Bindman, ML Kwan, EC Marlow, MK Theis, W Bolch, SY Cheng, ...
Jama 322 (9), 843-856, 2019
MIRD pamphlet no. 17: the dosimetry of nonuniform activity distributions—radionuclide S values at the voxel level
WE Bolch, LG Bouchet, JS Robertson, BW Wessels, JA Siegel, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 40 (1), 11S-36S, 1999
MIRD pamphlet no. 22 (abridged): radiobiology and dosimetry of α-particle emitters for targeted radionuclide therapy
G Sgouros, JC Roeske, MR McDevitt, S Palm, BJ Allen, DR Fisher, ...
Journal of nuclear medicine 51 (2), 311-328, 2010
The UF family of reference hybrid phantoms for computational radiation dosimetry
C Lee, D Lodwick, J Hurtado, D Pafundi, JL Williams, WE Bolch
Physics in Medicine & Biology 55 (2), 339, 2009
Handbook of anatomical models for radiation dosimetry
XG Xu, KF Eckerman
CRC press, 2009
MIRD pamphlet no. 26: joint EANM/MIRD guidelines for quantitative 177Lu SPECT applied for dosimetry of radiopharmaceutical therapy
M Ljungberg, A Celler, MW Konijnenberg, KF Eckerman, YK Dewaraja, ...
Journal of nuclear medicine 57 (1), 151-162, 2016
Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals: a Compendium of Current Information Related to Frequently Used Substances.
S Mattsson, L Johansson, J Liniecki, D Noßke, KÅ Riklund, M Stabin, ...
Annals of the ICRP 44 (2 Suppl), 7-321, 2015
RECORDS: improved reporting of montE CarlO RaDiation transport studies: report of the AAPM Research Committee Task Group 268
I Sechopoulos, DWO Rogers, M Bazalova‐Carter, WE Bolch, EC Heath, ...
Medical physics 45 (1), e1-e5, 2018
Hybrid computational phantoms of the male and female newborn patient: NURBS-based whole-body models
C Lee, D Lodwick, D Hasenauer, JL Williams, C Lee, WE Bolch
Physics in Medicine & Biology 52 (12), 3309, 2007
Conversion coefficients for radiological protection quantities for external radiation exposures
N Petoussi-Henss, WE Bolch, KF Eckerman, A Endo, N Hertel, J Hunt, ...
Annals of the ICRP 40 (2-5), 1-257, 2010
Patient exposure from radiologic and nuclear medicine procedures in the United States: procedure volume and effective dose for the period 2006–2016
FA Mettler Jr, M Mahesh, M Bhargavan-Chatfield, CE Chambers, JG Elee, ...
Radiology 295 (2), 418-427, 2020
MIRD pamphlet no. 19: absorbed fractions and radionuclide S values for six age-dependent multiregion models of the kidney
LG Bouchet, WE Bolch, HP Blanco, BW Wessels, JA Siegel, DA Rajon, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 44 (7), 1113-1147, 2003
NCICT: a computational solution to estimate organ doses for pediatric and adult patients undergoing CT scans
C Lee, KP Kim, WE Bolch, BE Moroz, L Folio
Journal of Radiological Protection 35 (4), 891, 2015
Uranium and radium-226 in Florida phosphate materials
CE Roessler, ZA Smith, WE Bolch, RJ Prince
Health Physics 37 (3), 269-277, 1979
MIRD pamphlet no. 24: guidelines for quantitative 131I SPECT in dosimetry applications
YK Dewaraja, M Ljungberg, AJ Green, PB Zanzonico, EC Frey, WE Bolch, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 54 (12), 2182-2188, 2013
Revisions to the ORNL series of adult and pediatric computational phantoms for use with the MIRD schema
EY Han, WE Bolch, KF Eckerman
Health Physics 90 (4), 337-356, 2006
Marching cube algorithm: review and trilinear interpolation adaptation for image-based dosimetric models
DA Rajon, WE Bolch
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 27 (5), 411-435, 2003
Mird pamphlet no. 15: radionuclide S values in a revised dosimetrie model of the adult head and brain
LG Bouchet, WE Bolch, DA Weber, HL Atkins, JW Poston
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 40 (3), 62S-101S, 1999
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20