Hot cracking mechanism affecting a non-weldable Ni-based superalloy produced by selective electron Beam Melting E Chauvet, P Kontis, EA Jägle, B Gault, D Raabe, C Tassin, JJ Blandin, ... Acta Materialia 142, 82-94, 2018 | 536 | 2018 |
Designing for additive manufacturing B Vayre, F Vignat, F Villeneuve Procedia CIrP 3, 632-637, 2012 | 495 | 2012 |
Metallic additive manufacturing: state-of-the-art review andprospects B Vayre, F Vignat, F Villeneuve Mechanics & Industry 13 (2), 89-96, 2012 | 374 | 2012 |
Identification on some design key parameters for additive manufacturing: application on electron beam melting B Vayre, F Vignat, F Villeneuve Procedia CIRP 7, 264-269, 2013 | 146 | 2013 |
Conception pour la fabrication additive, application à la technologie EBM B Vayre Université de Grenoble, France, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Design for additive manufacturing: supporting intrinsic-motivated creativity A Rias, C Bouchard, F Segonds, B Vayre, S Abed Emotional Engineering, Vol. 5, 99-116, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Copilot Pro®: A full method for the steering of the machining É Pairel, E Goldschmidt, B Vayre, PA Adragna, M Pillet International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering 2 (1), 39-44, 2011 | 9 | 2011 |
Microstructure control of Additively manufactured IN718 By L-PBF process L Lacoste, A Sakly, S Dépinoy, S Lebel, B Vayre, C Colin Powder Metallurgy 65 (5), 365-372, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Process plans and manufacturing dimensions for the steering of machining: The Copilot-Pro® methodology E Pairel, E Goldschmidt, B Vayre, B Abdelhakim, M Pillet Procedia CIRP 10, 323-331, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
Etat des lieux des technologies de fabrication additive métallique B Vayre, F Vignat, F Villeneuve 12ème Colloque National AIP PRIMECA, Le Mont Dore, 29 Mars-1er avril 2011 …, 2011 | 4 | 2011 |
Influence of residual pressure on the melting of a powder bed induced by a laser beam A Annovazzi, L Dembinski, E Blanchet, B Vayre, N Fenineche, G Walrand Journal of Manufacturing Processes 73, 715-724, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Algorithme de génération des étapes de mesurage et de réglage pour Copilot-Pro® B Vayre Mémoire de Mater recherche, Université de Savoie, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Génération de trajectoires pour la fabrication additive par dépôt de fil robotisé multi-axes-Application à une tubulure torique S Campocasso, V Hugel, B Vayre 15ème Colloque national AIP-Primeca, 1-5, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Relation between microstructure/texture anisotropy and ultrasound propagation in a Ni-based superalloy elaborated by laser powder bed fusion A Khabouchi, A Hazotte, L Germain, JD Penot, L Ducousso-Ganjehi, ... Int. Cong. On Welding, Additve Manufacturing and Associated Non-Destructive …, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Design Rules for Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Cellular Structures by Electron Beam Melting M Suard, R Dendievel, B Vayre, P Lhuissier, F Vignat, JJ Blandin, ... EUROMAT 2013, 2013 | | 2013 |
Règles de Conception pour la Fabrication Additive de Matériaux Cellulaires en Titane par" Electron Beam Melting" M Suard, B Vayre, P Lhuissier, R Dendievel, F Vignat, JJ Blandin, ... Poudre & Matériaux Frittés, 2013 | | 2013 |
Copilot Pro®: Une méthode complète pour le pilotage des usinages E Pairel, E Goldschmidt, B Vayre, PA Adragna, M Pillet Qualita 2011, nc, 2011 | | 2011 |
Génération de trajectoires pour la fabrication additive par dépôt de fil robotisé multi-axes S Campocasso, V Hugel, B Vayre | | |