Javier Garcia Guzman
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Living labs for user-driven innovation: a process reference model
JG Guzmán, AF del Carpio, R Colomo-Palacios, MV de Diego
Research-Technology Management 56 (3), 29-39, 2013
Design guidelines for software processes knowledge repository development
J García, A Amescua, MI Sánchez, L Bermón
Information and Software Technology 53 (8), 834-850, 2011
Propagación asexual de plantas. Conceptos básicos y experiencias con especies amazónicas
S Rojas, J García, M Alarcón
Produmedios. Colombia, 56, 2004
How to get mature global virtual teams: a framework to improve team process management in distributed software teams
J García Guzmán, J Saldaña Ramos, A Amescua Seco, A Sanz Esteban
Software Quality Journal 18, 409-435, 2010
Dinamización del punto de venta
B Ares, P Brenes
Editex, 2014
Abnormal levels of circulating endothelial progenitor cells during exacerbations of COPD
E Sala, C Villena, C Balaguer, A Ríos, C Fernández-Palomeque, ...
Lung 188, 331-338, 2010
Outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with primary systemic vasculitis or polymyalgia rheumatica from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance physician registry: a retrospective …
SE Sattui, R Conway, MS Putman, AM Seet, MA Gianfrancesco, K Beins, ...
The Lancet Rheumatology 3 (12), e855-e864, 2021
IT innovation strategy: managing the implementation communication and its generated knowledge through the use of an ICT tool
JF Landaeta Olivo, J Garcia Guzman, R Colomo-Palacios, V Stantchev
Journal of Knowledge Management 20 (3), 512-533, 2016
Interaction of pathogens with the endothelium
S Hippenstiel, N Suttorp
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 89 (01), 18-24, 2003
Living labs fostering open innovation and rural development: Methodology and results
JG Guzman, H Schaffers, V Bilicki, C Merz, M Valenzuela
2008 IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ICE), 1-8, 2008
An action research approach to rural living labs innovation
H Schaffers, JG Guzman, C Merz, P Cunningham, M Cunningham
Proceedings of the Cunningham and M. Cunningham (Eds), Collaboration and the …, 2008
Living labs as instruments for business and social innovation in rural areas
H Schaffers, C Merz, JG Guzman
2009 IEEE International technology management conference (ICE), 1-8, 2009
Simultaneous estimation of vehicle roll and sideslip angles through a deep learning approach
LP González, SS Sánchez, J Garcia-Guzman, MJL Boada, BL Boada
Sensors 20 (13), 3679, 2020
Gamification for software process improvement: a practical approach
E Herranz, JG Guzmán, A de Amescua-Seco, X Larrucea
IET Software 13 (2), 112-121, 2019
Predictors and associations of the persistent airflow limitation phenotype in asthma: a post-hoc analysis of the ATLANTIS study
TM Kole, EV Berghe, M Kraft, JM Vonk, MC Nawijn, S Siddiqui, K Sun, ...
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 11 (1), 55-64, 2023
Real-time vehicle roll angle estimation based on neural networks in IoT low-cost devices
J Garcia Guzman, L Prieto Gonzalez, J Pajares Redondo, ...
Sensors 18 (7), 2188, 2018
Analysis of barriers to the deployment of health information systems: a stakeholder perspective
A Serrano, J Garcia-Guzman, G Xydopoulos, A Tarhini
Information Systems Frontiers 22, 455-474, 2020
A process reference model for managing living labs for ICT innovation: A proposal based on ISO/IEC 15504
J García-Guzmán, AF del Carpio, A De Amescua, M Velasco
Computer Standards & Interfaces 36 (1), 33-41, 2013
Encyclopedia of portal technologies and applications
A Tatnall
IGI Global, 2007
Davis HW, and Patterson CE
JG Garcia
Regulation of endothelial cell gap formation and barrier dysfunction: role …, 1995
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20