Fernando Wanderley
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PBL-Test: A model to evaluate the maturity of teaching processes in a PBL approach
SC dos Santos, CO Figuerêdo, F Wanderley
2013 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 595-601, 2013
SnapMind: A framework to support consistency and validation of model-based requirements in agile development
F Wanderley, A Silva, J Araujo, DS Silveira
2014 IEEE 4th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop …, 2014
A framework to diminish the gap between the business specialist and the software designer
F Wanderley, DS Da Silveria
2012 Eighth International Conference on the Quality of Information and …, 2012
Generating feature model from creative requirements using model driven design
F Wanderley, DS da Silveira, J Araujo, M Lencastre
Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference …, 2012
A chatbot for goal-oriented requirements modeling
D Arruda, M Marinho, E Souza, F Wanderley
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2019: 19th International …, 2019
Generating goal-oriented models from creative requirements using model driven engineering
F Wanderley, J Araujo
2013 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Requirements Engineering …, 2013
VoiceToModel: an approach to generate requirements models from speech recognition mechanisms
F Soares, J Araújo, F Wanderley
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1350-1357, 2015
A systematic approach of dataset definition for a supervised machine learning using NFR framework
M Marinho, D Arruda, F Wanderley, A Lins
2018 11th International conference on the quality of information and …, 2018
Experimental evaluation of conceptual modelling through mind maps and model driven engineering
F Wanderley, D Silveira, J Araujo, A Moreira, E Guerra
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2014: 14th International …, 2014
Transforming creative requirements into conceptual models
F Wanderley, D Silva da Silveira, J Araújo, A Moreira
Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), 2013 IEEE Seventh …, 2013
A method for generation of tests instances of models from business rules expressed in ocl
EM Bizerra, DS Silveira, MLPM Cruz, FJA Wanderley
IEEE Latin America Transactions 10 (5), 2105-2111, 2012
Evaluation of BehaviorMap: a user-centered behavior language
F Wanderley, A Silva, J Araújo
2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2015
Des buts à la modélisation système: une approche de modélisation des exigences centrée utilisateur
F Wanderley, N Belloir, JM Bruel, N Hameurlain, J Araújo
Inforsid 2014, 113-128, 2014
Localization techniques in the future iot: A review
F Wanderley, A Misra, VB Singh
2019 19th International Conference on Computational Science and Its …, 2019
An empirical evaluation of requirements elicitation from business models through REMO technique
JM de Mendonça, PG de Moura, W Evangelista, H Martins, R Reis, ...
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2, 324-332, 2017
Towards an Agile Reference Architecture Method for Information Systems
E Souza, A Moreira, F Wanderley
Towards a non-conformity detection method between conceptual and business process models
R Duarte, DS da Silveira, J Araújo, F Wanderley
2016 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Research Challenges in …, 2016
Requirements Engineering for Cloud Systems: A Mapping Study Design
F Wanderley, E Souza, M Goulão, J Araujo, G Cysneiros, A Misra
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2017: 17th International …, 2017
Uma Abordagem Colaborativa de Modelagem Conceitual de Informação utilizando Mind Maps
R Duarte, J Júnior, R Araújo, F Wanderley, M Lencastre
Transformando mapas mentais em modelos conceituais de informação
FJA Wanderley, DS da Silveira
Revista Brasileira de Administração Científica 3 (2), 105-122, 2012
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20