Antonio Lanzotti
Antonio Lanzotti
Professore di Disegno e Metodi dell'Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Napoli
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The impact of process parameters on mechanical properties of parts fabricated in PLA with an open-source 3-D printer
A Lanzotti, M Grasso, G Staiano, M Martorelli
Rapid Prototyping Journal 21 (5), 604-617, 2015
A comparison between mechanical properties of specimens 3D printed with virgin and recycled PLA
A Lanzotti, M Martorelli, S Maietta, S Gerbino, F Penta, A Gloria
Procedia Cirp 79, 143-146, 2019
On the influence of scanning factors on the laser scanner-based 3D inspection process
S Gerbino, DM Del Giudice, G Staiano, A Lanzotti, M Martorelli
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 84, 1787-1799, 2016
Mechanical behavior of bulk direct composite versus block composite and lithium disilicate indirect Class II restorations by CAD-FEM modeling
P Ausiello, S Ciaramella, A Fabianelli, A Gloria, M Martorelli, A Lanzotti, ...
Dental Materials 33 (6), 690-701, 2017
Understanding process parameter effects of reprap open-source three-dimensional printers through a design of experiments approach
A Lanzotti, M Martorelli, G Staiano
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 137 (1), 011017, 2015
Mechanical behavior of endodontically restored canine teeth: Effects of ferrule, post material and shape
P Ausiello, S Ciaramella, M Martorelli, A Lanzotti, F Zarone, DC Watts, ...
Dental Materials 33 (12), 1466-1472, 2017
CAD-FE modeling and analysis of class II restorations incorporating resin-composite, glass ionomer and glass ceramic materials
P Ausiello, S Ciaramella, M Martorelli, A Lanzotti, A Gloria, DC Watts
Dental Materials 33 (12), 1456-1465, 2017
Kansei engineering approach for total quality design and continuous innovation
A Lanzotti, P Tarantino
The TQM journal 20 (4), 324-337, 2008
A virtual reality approach for usability assessment: case study on a wheelchair-mounted robot manipulator
G Di Gironimo, G Matrone, A Tarallo, M Trotta, A Lanzotti
Engineering with Computers 29, 359-373, 2013
Concept design for quality in virtual environment
G Di Gironimo, A Lanzotti, A Vanacore
Computers & Graphics 30 (6), 1011-1019, 2006
The effects of cavity-margin-angles and bolus stiffness on the mechanical behavior of indirect resin composite class II restorations
P Ausiello, S Ciaramella, F Garcia-Godoy, A Gloria, A Lanzotti, S Maietta, ...
Dental Materials 33 (1), e39-e47, 2017
Design and analysis of 3D customized models of a human mandible
M Martorelli, S Maietta, A Gloria, R De Santis, E Pei, A Lanzotti
Procedia Cirp 49, 199-202, 2016
Adhesive class I restorations in sound molar teeth incorporating combined resin-composite and glass ionomer materials: CAD-FE modeling and analysis
P Ausiello, S Ciaramella, A Di Rienzo, A Lanzotti, M Ventre, DC Watts
Dental Materials 35 (10), 1514-1522, 2019
Influence of framework material and posterior implant angulation in full-arch all-on-4 implant-supported prosthesis stress concentration
JPM Tribst, D Campanelli de Morais, JD Melo de Matos, GRS Lopes, ...
Dentistry Journal 10 (1), 12, 2022
Improving comfort of shoe sole through experiments based on CAD-FEM modeling
P Franciosa, S Gerbino, A Lanzotti, L Silvestri
Medical engineering & physics 35 (1), 36-46, 2013
Improving MTM-UAS to predetermine automotive maintenance times
G Di Gironimo, C Di Martino, A Lanzotti, A Marzano, G Russo
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 6 …, 2012
Improving concept design of divertor support system for FAST tokamak using TRIZ theory and AHP approach
G Di Gironimo, D Carfora, G Esposito, C Labate, R Mozzillo, F Renno, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 88 (11), 3014-3020, 2013
Concept design in virtual reality of a forestry trailer using a QFD-TRIZ based approach
K Melemez, GDI GIRONIMO, G Esposito, A Lanzotti
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 37 (6), 789-801, 2013
FE analysis of conceptual hybrid composite endodontic post designs in anterior teeth
A Gloria, S Maietta, M Martorelli, A Lanzotti, DC Watts, P Ausiello
Dental Materials 34 (7), 1063-1071, 2018
On the geometric accuracy of RepRap open-source three-dimensional printer
A Lanzotti, DM Del Giudice, A Lepore, G Staiano, M Martorelli
Journal of Mechanical Design 137 (10), 101703, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20