Dr. Geraldine Mooney Simmie
Dr. Geraldine Mooney Simmie
Senior Lecturer in Education; Director of EPI*STEM, National Centre for STEM Education, School of
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Teacher Design Teams (TDTs)—building capacity for innovation, learning and curriculum implementation in the continuing professional development of in-career teachers
G Mooney Simmie
Irish Educational Studies 26 (2), 163-176, 2007
Good teaching as a messy narrative of change within a policy ensemble of networks, superstructures and flows.
E Mooney Simmie, Geraldine., Moles, Joanne., and O'Grady
Critical Studies in Education 57 (Published on-line August 2016), 1-21, 2016
Identification of misconceptions in the teaching of biology
E Galvin, G Mooney Simmie, A O'Grady
University of Limerick, 2015
An investigation into the prevalence of ecological misconceptions in upper secondary students and implications for pre-service teacher education
J Butler, G Mooney Simmie, A O’Grady
European Journal of Teacher Education 38 (3), 300-319, 2015
The Pied Piper of Neo Liberalism Calls the Tune in the Republic of Ireland: An Analysis of Education Policy Text from 2000-2012.
G Mooney Simmie
The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS) 10 (2), 485-514, 2012
Critical thinking, caring and professional agency: An emerging framework for productive mentoring
G Mooney Simmie, J Moles
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 19 (4), 465-482, 2011
Why change to active learning? Pre-service and in-service science teachers’ perceptions
A O’Grady, G Mooney Simmie, T Kennedy
European Journal of Teacher Education 37 (1), 35-50, 2014
Teacher Professional Learning: a holistic and cultural endeavour imbued with transformative possibility
G Mooney Simmie
Educational Review, 2021
Teachers’ changing subjectivities: Putting the soul to work for the principle of the market or for facilitating risk?
G Mooney Simmie, J Moles
Studies in philosophy and education 39, 383-398, 2020
The Neo-liberal Turn in Understanding Teachers’ and School Leaders’ Work Practices in Curriculum Innovation and Change: a critical discourse analysis of a newly proposed reform …
G Mooney Simmie
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education 13 (3), 185-198, 2014
Partnership in learning between university and school: Evidence from a researcher-in-residence
AM Young, A O'Neill, G Mooney Simmie
Irish Educational Studies 34 (1), 25-42, 2015
Democracy and emancipation in teacher education: A summative content analysis of teacher educators’ democratic assignment expressed in policies for Teacher Education in Sweden …
S Edling, G Mooney Simmie
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education 1, 15, 2017
Ideological governing forms in education and teacher education: a comparative study between highly secular Sweden and highly non-secular Republic of Ireland.
S Mooney Simmie, Geraldine., Edling
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy 2 (32041), 1-12, 2016
Teachers' Democratic Assignment: a critical discourse analysis of teacher education policies in Ireland and Sweden
G Mooney Simmie, S Edling
Discourse Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 2 (Link: DOI: http …, 2018
Democracy and teacher education: Dilemmas, challenges and possibilities
S Edling, GM Simmie
Routledge, 2020
Discursive positioning of beginning teachers’ professional learning during induction: A critical literature review from 2004 to 2014
GM Simmie, C De Paor, J Liston, J O’Shea
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 45 (5), 505-519, 2017
Theorising participation in urban regeneration partnerships: an adult education perspective
M Galvin, G Mooney Simmie
Journal of Education Policy 32 (6), 809-831, 2017
Educating the Critically Reflective Mentor
G Mooney Simmie, J Moles
SAGE Handbook of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 107-121, 2012
Culturally Based Concepts: Educating the Critically Reflective Mentor
G Mooney Simmie, J Moles
Sage Handbook of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 107-121, 2012
Professionalisation of early childhood education and care practitioners: Working conditions in Ireland
G Mooney Simmie, D Murphy
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 24 (3), 239-253, 2023
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