Ulysses Bernardet
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An artificial moth: Chemical source localization using a robot based neuronal model of moth optomotor anemotactic search
P Pyk, S Bermúdez i Badia, U Bernardet, P Knüsel, M Carlsson, J Gu, ...
Autonomous Robots 20, 197-213, 2006
Design for a brain revisited: the neuromorphic design and functionality of the interactive space'Ada'
K Eng, D Klein, A Babler, U Bernardet, M Blanchard, M Costa, T Delbrück, ...
Reviews in the Neurosciences 14 (1-2), 145-180, 2003
IQR: a distributed system for real-time real-world neuronal simulation
U Bernardet, M Blanchard, PFMJ Verschure
Neurocomputing 44, 1043-1048, 2002
Ada-intelligent space: an artificial creature for the SwissExpo. 02
K Eng, A Babler, U Bernardet, M Blanchard, M Costa, T Delbruck, ...
2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No …, 2003
Assessing the reliability of the Laban Movement Analysis system
TS Ulysses Bernardet, Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Karen Studd, Karen Bradley ...
PLOS ONE 14 (6), e0218179, 2019
Disembodied and collaborative musical interaction in the multimodal brain orchestra
S Le Groux, J Manzolli, PF Verschure, M Sanchez, A Luvizotto, A Mura, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2010
A biologically based chemo-sensing UAV for humanitarian demining
SBI Badia, U Bernardet, A Guanella, P Pyk, PFMJ Verschure
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 4 (2), 21, 2007
Non-linear neuronal responses as an emergent property of afferent networks: a case study of the locust lobula giant movement detector
S Bermúdez i Badia, U Bernardet, PFMJ Verschure
PLoS computational biology 6 (3), e1000701, 2010
iqr: A Tool for the Construction of Multi-level Simulations of Brain and Behaviour
U Bernardet, PFMJ Verschure
Neuroinformatics 8, 113-134, 2010
The eXperience induction machine: a new paradigm for mixed-reality interaction design and psychological experimentation
U Bernardet, S Bermúdez i Badia, A Duff, M Inderbitzin, S Le Groux, ...
The Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems, 357-379, 2010
Understanding and realizing presence in the Presenccia project
M Slater, A Frisoli, F Tecchia, C Guger, B Lotto, A Steed, G Pfurtscheller, ...
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27 (4), 90-93, 2007
Allostatic control for robot behavior regulation: a comparative rodent-robot study
M Sanchez-Fibla, U Bernardet, E Wasserman, T Pelc, M Mintz, ...
Advances in Complex Systems 13 (03), 377-403, 2010
The social perceptual salience effect.
MP Inderbitzin, A Betella, A Lanatá, EP Scilingo, U Bernardet, ...
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 39 (1), 62, 2013
Quantifying human subjective experience and social interaction using the eXperience Induction Machine
U Bernardet, A Väljamäe, M Inderbitzin, S Wierenga, A Mura, ...
Brain research bulletin 85 (5), 305-312, 2011
Expression of emotional states during locomotion based on canonical parameters
M Inderbitzin, A Väljamäe, JMB Calvo, PFMJ Verschure, U Bernardet
2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition …, 2011
Allostatic control for robot behaviour regulation: An extension to path planning
MS Fibla, U Bernardet, PFMJ Verschure
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2010
Ada: constructing a synthetic organism
K Eng, A Babler, U Bernardet, M Blanchard, A Briska, J Conradt, M Costa, ...
IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems 2, 1808-1813, 2002
An architecture for personality-based, nonverbal behavior in affective virtual humanoid character
M Saberi, U Bernardet, S DiPaola
Procedia Computer Science 41, 204-211, 2014
A model for the neuronal substrate of dead reckoning and memory in arthropods: a comparative computational and behavioral study
U Bernardet, S Bermúdez i Badia, PFMJ Verschure
Theory in Biosciences 127, 163-175, 2008
Roboser-An Autonomous Interactive Musical Composition System.
K Wassermann, M Blanchard, U Bernardet, J Manzolli, PFMJ Verschure
ICMC, 2000
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20