Acoustic surface waveguides-analysis and assessment PE Lagasse, IM Mason, EA Ash IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 21 (4), 225-236, 1973 | 180 | 1973 |
Algebraic reconstruction of a two-dimensional velocity inhomogeneity in the High Hazles seam of Thoresby colliery IM Mason Geophysics 46 (3), 298-308, 1981 | 153 | 1981 |
Acoustic-surface-wave amplitude and phase measurements using laser probes RM De La Rue, RF Humphryes, IM Mason, EA Ash Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 119 (2), 117-126, 1972 | 148 | 1972 |
Principal component transforms of triaxial recordings by singular value decomposition GM Jackson, IM Mason, SA Greenhalgh Geophysics 56 (4), 528-533, 1991 | 139 | 1991 |
Acoustic Surface‐Wave Beam Diffraction on Anisotropic Substrates IM Mason, EA Ash Journal of Applied Physics 42 (13), 5343-5351, 1971 | 78 | 1971 |
Channel wave mapping of coal seams in the United Kingdom IM Mason, DJ Buchanan, AK Booer Geophysics 45 (7), 1131-1143, 1980 | 69 | 1980 |
Seismic surveying IM Mason, GM Jackson, D Lee, DSR Campbell, CC Mosher US Patent 5,260,911, 1993 | 61 | 1993 |
Controlled Direction Reception Filtering of P- and S-Waves In τ-P Space SA Greenhalgh, IM Mason, E Lucas, D Pant, RT Eames Geophysical Journal International 100 (2), 221-234, 1990 | 58 | 1990 |
Ridge guides for acoustic surface waves IM Mason, RM De La Rue, RV Schmidt, EA Ash, PE Lagasse Electronics letters 7 (14), 395-397, 1971 | 51 | 1971 |
Fault location by underground seismic survey IM Mason, DJ Buchanan, AK Booer IEE Proceedings F (Communications, Radar and Signal Processing) 127 (4), 322-336, 1980 | 44 | 1980 |
Fast numerical algorithm for the recompression of dispersed time signals AK Booer, J Chambers, IM Mason Electronics Letters 13 (16), 453-455, 1977 | 38 | 1977 |
Acoustic convolution using nonlinear surface-wave interactions in a piezoelectric semiconductor CW Turner, IM Mason, J Chambers Electronics Letters 7 (23), 696-697, 1971 | 38 | 1971 |
The effect of conduction on VHF radar images shot in water-filled boreholes IM Mason, AJ Bray, TG Sindle, CM Simmat, JH Cloete IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing letters 5 (2), 304-307, 2008 | 37 | 2008 |
In-mine seismic delineation of mineralization and rock structure SA Greenhalgh, IM Masonz, C Sinadinovski Geophysics 65 (6), 1908-1919, 2000 | 37 | 2000 |
The coal cutter as a seismic source in channel wave exploration DJ Buchanan, IM Mason, R Davis IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 318-320, 1980 | 37 | 1980 |
High-speed electro-optic analogue-digital conversion S Wright, IM Mason, MGF Wilson Electronics Letters 10 (24), 508-509, 1974 | 32 | 1974 |
Analysis of propagation in ridge guides for acoustic surface waves PE Lagasse, IM Mason Electronics Letters 8 (4), 82-84, 1972 | 32 | 1972 |
Split-step Fourier shot-record migration with deconvolution imaging D Lee, IM Mason, GM Jackson Geophysics 56 (11), 1786-1793, 1991 | 31 | 1991 |
MULTICOMPONENT COMMON‐RECEIVER GATHER MIGRATION OF SINGLE‐LEVEL WALK‐AWAY SEISMIC PROFILES1 GM Jackson, IM Mason, D Lee Geophysical prospecting 39 (8), 1015-1029, 1991 | 28 | 1991 |
Anisotropy, diffraction scaling, surface wave lenses, and focusing IM Mason The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 53 (4), 1123-1128, 1973 | 28 | 1973 |