Kate Murphy
Kate Murphy
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University Unlimited: The Monash Story
GJ Davison, K Murphy
Allen & Unwin, 2012
Fears and fantasies: modernity, gender and the rural-urban divide
K Murphy
Peter Lang, 2010
“That was Then, but This is Now”: Historical Perspectives on Intercountry Adoption and Domestic Child Adoption in Australian Public Policy
D Cuthbert, C Spark, K Murphy
Journal of Historical Sociology 23 (3), 427-452, 2010
Adoption and feminism: Towards framing a feminist response to contemporary developments in adoption
D Cuthbert, K Murphy, M Quartly
Australian Feminist Studies 24 (62), 395-419, 2009
“In the Best Interests of the Child”: Mapping the (Re) Emergence of Pro‐Adoption Politics in Contemporary Australia
K Murphy, M Quartly, D Cuthbert
Australian Journal of Politics & History 55 (2), 201-218, 2009
Feminism and political history
K Murphy
Australian Journal of Politics & History 56 (1), 21-37, 2010
The ‘most dependable element of any country’s manhood’: Masculinity and rurality in the great war and its aftermath
K Murphy
History Australia 5 (3), 72.1-72.20, 2008
‘In the backblocks of capitalism’: Australian student activism in the global 1960s
K Murphy
Australian Historical Studies 46 (2), 252-268, 2015
Rural womanhood and the'embellishment'of rural life in urban Australia
K Murphy
Struggle Country: the rural ideal in twentieth century Australia, 1-15, 2005
‘The modern idea is to bring the country into the city’: Australian Urban Reformers and the Ideal of Rurality, 1900–1918
K Murphy
Rural history 20 (1), 119-136, 2009
‘These infants are future Australians’: making the nation through intercountry adoption
K Murphy, S Pinto, D Cuthbert
Journal of Australian Studies 34 (2), 141-161, 2010
‘Very decidedly decadent’ Elite Responses to Modernity in the Royal Commission on the Decline of the Birth Rate in New South Wales, 1903–04
K Murphy
Historical Studies 36 (126), 217-233, 2005
Student Activism at the University of New England in Australia’s “Long 1960s”
K Murphy
Journal of Australian Studies 43 (2), 174-187, 2019
THE ‘UNNATURAL’WOMAN: Urban Reformers, Modernity, and the Ideal of Rurality after Federation
K Murphy
Australian Feminist Studies 21 (51), 369-378, 2006
The countercultural new left “Down Under”: student activism at the university of New England, Australia
K Murphy
The Sixties 12 (2), 178-204, 2019
The Royal Commission on human relationships and Australian masculinity in the 1970s
J Bell, K Murphy
Gender & History 36 (2), 691-710, 2024
‘The emotional, the weak, the wayward, the innocent, the unsophisticated and the misplaced girl’: the Travellers' Aid Society of Victoria and the country girl in the 1920s
K Murphy
Journal of Australian Studies 34 (4), 447-457, 2010
The Flapper and'chill-mindedness': The urban woman and fertility in the 1920s.
K Murphy
University of Tasmania, 2002
Dissent: The Student Press in 1960s Australia
K Murphy
Labour History, 205-207, 2018
Sally Percival Wood, Dissent: The Student Press in 1960s Australia (Melbourne: Scribe, 2017). pp. 320. AU $32.99 paper
K Murphy
Labour History: A Journal of Labour and Social History, 205-207, 2018
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