Paul Szwed
Paul Szwed
Professor of International Maritime Business
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A Bayesian paired comparison approach for relative accident probability assessment with covariate information
P Szwed, JR Van Dorp, JRW Merrick, TA Mazzuchi, A Singh
European Journal of Operational Research 169 (1), 157-177, 2006
Expert Judgment in Project Management: Narrowing the Theory-Practice Gap
P Szwed
Project Management Institute, 2016
A bayesian model for rare event risk assessment using expert judgment about paired scenario comparisons
PS Szwed, JR Van Dorp
ASEM National Conference, 2002
Risk factors and theory building: a study to improve passenger vessel safety
PS Szwed
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 10, 183-208, 2011
A method for eliciting expert judgment to estimate probabilities in a Bayesian belief networks
PS Szwed
8th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and …, 2006
Maturing the international association of maritime universities (IAMU) using benchmarking
PS Szwed, M Rooks, B Svilicic
18-th Annual General Assembly of the International Association of Maritime …, 2017
Maritime International Exchange (MIX): Designing Blended, Application-Focused Exchange Programs to Increase Cross-Cultural Learning
PS Szwed, MJ Rooks
15th Annual General Assembly International Association of Maritime …, 2014
A Bayesian model for assessing risk using expert judgment about paired scenario comparisons
PS Szwed
The George Washington University, 2002
Development of a Safety Management Assessment for the International Safety Management Code
PS Szwed, RG Bea
Offshore Technology Conference, OTC-12156-MS, 2000
Development of a Safety Management Assessment System for the International Safety Management Code
PS Szwed, RG Bea
Marine Technology and Management Group, College of Enigneering & Haas School …, 1998
Establishing a Theoretically Sound Baseline for Expert Judgment in Project Management–Part I
PS Szwed
A Method for Eliciting Expert Judgment to Estimate Probabilities in a Bayesian Belief Networks (PSAM-0244)
PS Szwed
An Argument for Using Probabilistic Safety Assessment in Maritime Domain: Some Now, but More Later
PS Szwed
Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management: PSAM 7—ESREL’04 June 14–18 …, 2004
A Collaborative Approach to Protecting the Ocean Environment
P Szwed, DC Lyden-Kluss, M Rooks
IAMU AGA 17, 392, 0
Delivering and Assessing a Cross-Cultural Module for Seafarers and Maritime University Students
MJ Rooks, MR Progoulaki, PS Szwed
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