Possible worlds in literary theory R Ronen Cambridge UP, 1994 | 1092 | 1994 |
Space in fiction R Ronen Poetics today 7 (3), 421-438, 1986 | 218 | 1986 |
Description, narrative and representation R Ronen Narrative 5 (3), 274-286, 1997 | 114 | 1997 |
Paradigm shift in plot models: An outline of the history of narratology R Ronen Poetics today 11 (4), 817-842, 1990 | 78 | 1990 |
Completing the incompleteness of fictional entities R Ronen Poetics Today 9 (3), 497-514, 1988 | 56 | 1988 |
Heterocosmica: fiction & possible worlds L Dolezel, R Ronen University of Toronto Quarterly 69 (1), 139, 1999 | 55 | 1999 |
Aesthetics of anxiety R Ronen Suny Press, 2009 | 54 | 2009 |
Are Fictional Worlds Possible? R Ronen Fiction Updated: Theories of Fictionality, Narratology and Poetics, cit, 21-29, 1996 | 38 | 1996 |
Representing the Real R Ronen Rodopi, 2002 | 27 | 2002 |
La focalisation dans les mondes fictionnels R Ronen Poétique (Collection), 305-322, 1990 | 22 | 1990 |
Art before the law: Aesthetics and ethics R Ronen University of Toronto Press, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
The Semiotics of Fictional Time: Three Metaphors in the Study of Temporality in Fiction R Ronen Style, 22-44, 1990 | 10 | 1990 |
Incommensurability and representation R Ronen Applied semiotics 2 (5), 37-55, 1998 | 9 | 1998 |
Philosophical realism and postmodern antirealism R Ronen Style, 184-200, 1995 | 9 | 1995 |
Possible worlds between the disciplines R Ronen The British Journal of Aesthetics 33 (1), 29-41, 1993 | 9 | 1993 |
Possible worlds in literary theory: A game in interdisciplinarity R Ronen Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 80 (3-4), 277-298, 1990 | 8 | 1990 |
Narratology Revisited: Editors' Note B McHale, R Ronen Poetics Today, 1990 | 7 | 1990 |
The truth about narrative, or: how does narrative matter? R Ronen, E Biberman Philosophy and literature 30 (1), 118-139, 2006 | 6 | 2006 |
The world of allegory R Ronen Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 17 (2), 91-121, 1988 | 6 | 1988 |
Poetical Coherence in Literary Prose R Ronen Style, 66-74, 1986 | 6 | 1986 |