Anna Chrabaszcz
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Acoustic cues to perception of word stress by English, Mandarin, and Russian speakers
A Chrabaszcz, M Winn, CY Lin, WJ Idsardi
Journal of speech, language, and hearing research 57 (4), 1468-1479, 2014
The role of the native language in the use of the English nongeneric definite article by L2 learners: A cross-linguistic comparison.
A Chrabaszcz, N Jiang
Second Language Research 30 (3), 351-379, 2014
Perceptual correlates of phonological representations in heritage speakers and L2 learners
A Lukyanchenko, K Gor
Proceedings of the 35th annual Boston University conference on language …, 2011
Subthalamic nucleus and sensorimotor cortex activity during speech production
A Chrabaszcz, WJ Neumann, O Stretcu, WJ Lipski, A Bush, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (14), 2698-2708, 2019
Processing of native and nonnative inflected words: Beyond affix stripping
K Gor, A Chrabaszcz, S Cook
Journal of memory and language 93, 315-332, 2017
Russian intraoperative naming test: a standardized tool to map noun and verb production during awake neurosurgeries
O Dragoy, A Chrabaszcz, V Tolkacheva, S Buklina
The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science 3 (4), 4-25, 2016
Context effects in the processing of phonolexical ambiguity in L2
A Chrabaszcz, K Gor
Language learning 64 (3), 415-455, 2014
Fuzzy lexical representations in adult second language speakers
K Gor, S Cook, D Bordag, A Chrabaszcz, A Opitz
Frontiers in Psychology, 5248, 2021
Quantifying contextual effects in second language processing of phonolexically ambiguous and unambiguous words
A Chrabaszcz, K Gor
Applied psycholinguistics 38 (4), 909-942, 2017
The activation of grammaticalized meaning in L2 processing: Toward an explanation of the morphological congruency effect
N Jiang, G Hu, A Chrabaszcz, L Ye
International Journal of Bilingualism 21 (1), 81-98, 2017
A case for agreement: Processing of case inflection by early and late learners
K Gor, A Chrabaszcz, S Cook
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 9 (1), 6-41, 2019
The Russian Aphasia Test: The first comprehensive, quantitative, standardized, and computerized aphasia language battery in Russian
M Ivanova, Y Akinina, O Soloukhina, E Iskra, O Buivolova, A Chrabaszcz, ...
Plos One 16 (11), 2021
Test for assessment of language development in Russian «KORABLIK»
A Lopukhina, A Chrabaszcz, M Khudyakova, I Korkina, A Yurchenko, ...
Proceedings of the Satellite of AMLaP Conference (Typical and Atypical …, 2019
Opening your ears: The role of L1 in processing of nonnative prosodic contrasts
A Lukyanchenko, WJ Idsardi, N Jiang
Selected proceedings of the second language research forum, 50-62, 2010
Differentiation of speech-induced artifacts from physiological high gamma activity in intracranial recordings
A Bush, A Chrabaszcz, V Peterson, V Saravanan, C Dastolfo-Hromack, ...
NeuroImage 250, 2022
Articulatory gain predicts motor cortex and subthalamic nucleus activity during speech
C Dastolfo-Hromack, A Bush, A Chrabaszcz, A Alhourani, W Lipski, ...
Cerebral Cortex 32 (7), 1337-1349, 2022
Lateralized and region-specific thalamic processing of lexical status during reading aloud
D Wang, WJ Lipski, A Bush, A Chrabaszcz, CA Dastolfo-Hromack, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 42 (15), 3228-3240, 2022
Simultaneously recorded subthalamic and cortical LFPs reveal different lexicality effects during reading aloud
A Chrabaszcz, D Wang, WJ Lipski, A Bush, DJ Crammond, S Shaiman, ...
Journal of neurolinguistics 60, 101019, 2021
Early and late learners decompose inflected nouns, but can they tell which ones are inflected correctly?
K Gor, A Chrabaszcz, S Cook
Journal of Second Language Studies 1 (1), 106-140, 2018
Creating communities of practice for fostering second language learning in people in crisis
A Chrabaszcz, V Anisimova, J Antropova, D Bikina, A Menukhova, ...
East European Journal of Psycholinguistics 9 (2), 11-28, 2022
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