Michael P Catalino
Michael P Catalino
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia
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Mapping cognitive and emotional networks in neurosurgical patients using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging
MP Catalino, S Yao, DL Green, ER Laws, AJ Golby, Y Tie
Neurosurgical focus 48 (2), E9, 2020
Surgical treatment of pituitary adenomas
JA Jane Jr, MP Catalino, ER Laws Jr
Endotext [internet], 2022
Early versus late tracheostomy after decompressive craniectomy for stroke
MP Catalino, FC Lin, N Davis, K Anderson, C Olm-Shipman, ...
Journal of intensive care 6, 1-9, 2018
Predictors of postoperative biochemical remission in acromegaly
S Yao, WL Chen, S Tavakol, F Akter, MP Catalino, X Guo, J Luo, AL Zeng, ...
Journal of Neuro-oncology 151, 313-324, 2021
Postoperative day 1 morning cortisol value as a biomarker to predict long-term remission of Cushing disease
F Wang, MP Catalino, WL Bi, IF Dunn, TR Smith, Y Guo, D Hordejuk, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 106 (1), e94-e102, 2021
Optimizing pre-, intra-, and postoperative management of patients with sellar pathology undergoing transsphenoidal surgery
DJ Cote, SL Iuliano, MP Catalino, ER Laws
Neurosurgical Focus 48 (6), E2, 2020
Contralateral approach for minimally invasive treatment of upper lumbar intervertebral disc herniation: technical note and case series
RT Jha, HR Syed, M Catalino, FA Sandhu
World neurosurgery 100, 583-589, 2017
Reducing the reported mortality index within a neurocritical care unit through documentation and coding accuracy
BA Kessler, MP Catalino, JD Jordan
World Neurosurgery 133, e819-e827, 2020
Professor Rathke’s gift to neurosurgery: the cyst, its diagnosis, surgical management, and outcomes
AS Montaser, MP Catalino, ER Laws
Pituitary 24 (5), 787-796, 2021
Cost of prenatal versus postnatal myelomeningocele closure for both mother and child at 1 year of life
BA Kessler, MP Catalino, C Quinsey, W Goodnight, S Elton
Neurosurgical Focus 47 (4), E15, 2019
Vascular anomalies in patients with growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas: illustrative case report and systematic review of the literature
DC Spille, E Vorona, MP Catalino, G Reuter, A Beckers, M Holling, A Fava, ...
Pituitary 26 (1), 132-143, 2023
Ergonomics in endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery: a survey of the North American Skull Base Society
PP Mattogno, F Marciano, MP Catalino, D Mattavelli, P Cocca, ...
Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base 83 (S 02), e380-e385, 2022
Clinical application of next-generation sequencing in recurrent glioblastoma
D Zeitouni, MP Catalino, J Wise, S McCabe, K Pietrosimone, N Rashid, ...
Onco 1 (1), 38-48, 2021
Rabbit elastase aneurysm: imaging and histology correlates for inflammation and healing
JP Ho, IA Galex, NB Sadeghi, N Weledji, SIC Bermudez, BA Mitchell, ...
World Neurosurgery 148, e242-e251, 2021
Corticotroph hyperplasia and Cushing disease: diagnostic features and surgical management
MP Catalino, DM Meredith, U De Girolami, S Tavakol, L Min, ER Laws
Journal of Neurosurgery 135 (1), 152-163, 2020
Machine learning and artificial intelligence applied to the diagnosis and management of Cushing disease
ER Laws, MP Catalino
Neurosurgical Focus 48 (6), E6, 2020
Cyst type differentiates Rathke cleft cysts from cystic pituitary adenomas
S Tavakol, MP Catalino, DJ Cote, X Boles, ER Laws Jr, WL Bi
Frontiers in Oncology 11, 778824, 2021
1-year mortality and surgery incidence in older US adults with cervical spine fracture
D Zeitouni, M Catalino, B Kessler, V Pate, T Stürmer, C Quinsey, ...
World neurosurgery 141, e858-e863, 2020
Response activation and inhibition in patients with prolactinomas: an electrophysiological study
J Song, C Cao, Y Wang, S Yao, MP Catalino, D Yan, G Xu, L Ma
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 170, 2020
Exemplary mentorship in action: Harvey Cushing’s trainees from 1912 to 1919
MP Catalino, ER Laws
Journal of Neurosurgery 134 (2), 343-350, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20