Pablo S. Cornaglia
Pablo S. Cornaglia
CONICET & Instituto Balseiro & Centro Atómico Bariloche
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Time Evolution of the Electronic Structure of through the Insulator-Metal Transition
L Perfetti, PA Loukakos, M Lisowski, U Bovensiepen, H Berger, ...
Physical review letters 97 (6), 067402, 2006
Mechanical control of spin states in spin-1 molecules and the underscreened Kondo effect
JJ Parks, AR Champagne, TA Costi, WW Shum, AN Pasupathy, ...
Science 328 (5984), 1370-1373, 2010
Strongly correlated regimes in a double quantum dot device
PS Cornaglia, DR Grempel
Physical Review B 71 (7), 075305, 2005
Pseudogap opening and formation of Fermi arcs as an orbital-selective Mott transition in momentum space
M Ferrero, PS Cornaglia, L De Leo, O Parcollet, G Kotliar, A Georges
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (6), 064501, 2009
Many-body effects on the transport properties of single-molecule devices
PS Cornaglia, H Ness, DR Grempel
Physical review letters 93 (14), 147201, 2004
Time evolution of the electronic structure of 1T\documentclass [12pt]{minimal}\usepackage {amsmath}\usepackage {wasysym}\usepackage {amsfonts}\usepackage {amssymb}\usepackage …
L Perfetti, PA Loukakos, M Lisowski, U Bovensiepen, H Berger, ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (6), 1-4, 2006
Localized spins on graphene
PS Cornaglia, G Usaj, CA Balseiro
Physical review letters 102 (4), 46801, 2009
Electrical control of the chemical bonding of fluorine on graphene
JO Sofo, AM Suarez, G Usaj, PS Cornaglia, AD Hernández-Nieves, ...
Physical Review B 83 (8), 081411, 2011
Quantum transport through a deformable molecular transistor
PS Cornaglia, DR Grempel, H Ness
Physical Review B 71 (7), 075320, 2005
Valence bond dynamical mean-field theory of doped Mott insulators with nodal/antinodal differentiation
M Ferrero, PS Cornaglia, L De Leo, O Parcollet, G Kotliar, A Georges
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 85, 57009, 2009
Kondo impurities in nanoscopic systems: Confinement-induced regimes
PS Cornaglia, CA Balseiro
Physical Review B 66 (11), 115303, 2002
Magnetic structure of hydrogen-induced defects on graphene
JO Sofo, G Usaj, PS Cornaglia, AM Suarez, AD Hernández-Nieves, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (11), 115405, 2012
Transport through quantum dots in mesoscopic circuits
PS Cornaglia, CA Balseiro
Physical review letters 90 (21), 216801, 2003
Magnetoconductance through a vibrating molecule in the Kondo regime
PS Cornaglia, DR Grempel
Physical Review B 71 (24), 245326, 2005
Electronic transport through magnetic molecules with soft vibrating modes
PS Cornaglia, G Usaj, CA Balseiro
Physical Review B 76 (24), 241403, 2007
Thermopower of an SU (4) Kondo resonance under an SU (2) symmetry-breaking field
P Roura-Bas, L Tosi, AA Aligia, PS Cornaglia
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (16), 165106, 2012
Kondo effect with noncollinear polarized leads: A numerical renormalization group analysis
P Simon, PS Cornaglia, D Feinberg, CA Balseiro
Physical Review B 75 (4), 045310, 2007
Electron-phonon correlation effects in molecular transistors
CA Balseiro, PS Cornaglia, DR Grempel
Physical Review B 74 (23), 235409, 2006
Quantum transport through a stretched spin-1 molecule
PS Cornaglia, P Roura Bas, AA Aligia, CA Balseiro
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 93, 47005, 2011
Theory of core-level photoemission and the x-ray edge singularity across the Mott transition
PS Cornaglia, A Georges
Physical Review B 75 (11), 115112, 2007
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