Yılmaz Kaya
Yılmaz Kaya
Department of Computer Engineering, Batman University
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1D-local binary pattern based feature extraction for classification of epileptic EEG signals
Y Kaya, M Uyar, R Tekin, S Yıldırım
Applied Mathematics and Computation 243, 209-219, 2014
Brain tumor classification using modified local binary patterns (LBP) feature extraction methods
K Kaplan, Y Kaya, M Kuncan, HM Ertunç
Medical hypotheses 139, 109696, 2020
An improved feature extraction method using texture analysis with LBP for bearing fault diagnosis
K Kaplan, Y Kaya, M Kuncan, MR Mi̇naz, HM Ertunç
Applied Soft Computing 87, 106019, 2020
Detection of Parkinson's disease by shifted one dimensional local binary patterns from gait
ÖF Ertuğrul, Y Kaya, R Tekin, MN Almalı
Expert Systems with Applications 56, 156-163, 2016
A novel crossover operator for genetic algorithms: ring crossover
Y Kaya, M Uyar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1105.0355, 2011
Comparison of ANN and MLR models for estimating solar radiation in Turkey using NOAA/AVHRR data
M Şahin, Y Kaya, M Uyar
Advances in Space Research 51 (5), 891-904, 2013
A hybrid decision support system based on rough set and extreme learning machine for diagnosis of hepatitis disease
Y Kaya, M Uyar
Applied Soft Computing 13 (8), 3429-3438, 2013
Application of artificial neural network for automatic detection of butterfly species using color and texture features
Y Kaya, L Kayci
The visual computer 30, 71-79, 2014
Two novel local binary pattern descriptors for texture analysis
Y Kaya, ÖF Ertuğrul, R Tekin
Applied Soft Computing 34, 728-735, 2015
A novel feature extraction method for bearing fault classification with one dimensional ternary patterns
M Kuncan, K Kaplan, MR Mi̇naz, Y Kaya, HM Ertunç
ISA transactions 100, 346-357, 2020
Application of extreme learning machine for estimating solar radiation from satellite data
M Şahin, Y Kaya, M Uyar, S Yıldırım
International Journal of Energy Research 38 (2), 205-212, 2014
A new feature extraction approach based on one dimensional gray level co-occurrence matrices for bearing fault classification
Y Kaya, M Kuncan, K Kaplan, MR Minaz, HM Ertunç
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 33 (1), 161-178, 2021
A new automatic bearing fault size diagnosis using time-frequency images of CWT and deep transfer learning methods
Y Kaya, F Kuncan, HM ERTUNÇ
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 30 (5), 1851 …, 2022
Automatic identification of butterfly species based on local binary patterns and artificial neural network
Y Kaya, L Kayci, M Uyar
Applied Soft Computing 28, 132-137, 2015
Evaluation of texture features for automatic detecting butterfly species using extreme learning machine
Y Kaya, L Kayci, R Tekin, Ö Faruk Ertuğrul
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 26 (2), 267-281, 2014
A detailed analysis on extreme learning machine and novel approaches based on ELM
ÖF Ertuğrul, Y Kaya
American Journal of computer science and engineering 1 (5), 43-50, 2014
A computer vision system for the automatic identification of butterfly species via gabor-filter-based texture features and extreme learning machine: GF+ ELM
Y Kaya, L Kayci, R Tekin
TEM J 2 (1), 13-20, 2013
Classification of bearing vibration speeds under 1D-LBP based on eight local directional filters
Y Kaya, M Kuncan, K Kaplan, MR Minaz, HM Ertunç
Soft Computing 24, 12175-12186, 2020
A novel approach for SEMG signal classification with adaptive local binary patterns
ÖF Ertuğrul, Y Kaya, R Tekin
Medical & biological engineering & computing 54, 1137-1146, 2016
Modeling insect-egg data with excess zeros using zero-inflated regression models
A Yesilova, MB Kaydan, Y Kaya
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 39 (2), 273-282, 2010
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Articoli 1–20