Jorge Martinez-Gil
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Optimizing ontology alignments by using genetic algorithms
J Martinez-Gil, E Alba, JF Aldana-Montes
Proceedings of the workshop on nature based reasoning for the semantic Web …, 2008
Knowledge Graphs in Manufacturing and Production: A Systematic Literature Review
G Buchgeher, D Gabauer, J Martinez-Gil, L Ehrlinger
IEEE Access 9, 55537-55554, 2021
Evaluation of two heuristic approaches to solve the ontology meta-matching problem
J Martinez-Gil, JF Aldana-Montes
Knowledge and Information Systems 26 (2), 225-247, 2011
An overview of textual semantic similarity measures based on web intelligence
J Martinez-Gil
Artificial Intelligence Review 42 (4), 935-943, 2014
Automated knowledge base management: A survey
J Martinez-Gil
Computer Science Review 18, 1-9, 2015
CoTO: A novel approach for fuzzy aggregation of semantic similarity measures
J Martinez-Gil
Cognitive Systems Research 40, 8-17, 2016
A survey on legal question–answering systems
J Martinez-Gil
Computer Science Review 48, 100552, 2023
Semantic similarity measurement using historical google search patterns
J Martinez-Gil, JF Aldana-Montes
Information Systems Frontiers 15 (3), 399-410, 2013
A novel approach for learning how to automatically match job offers and candidate profiles
J Martinez-Gil, AL Paoletti, M Pichler
Information Systems Frontiers 22 (6), 1265-1274, 2020
A smart approach for matching, learning and querying information from the human resources domain
J Martinez-Gil, AL Paoletti, KD Schewe
East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems …, 2016
An overview of current ontology meta-matching solutions
J Martinez-Gil, JF Aldana-Montes
The Knowledge Engineering Review 27 (4), 393-412, 2012
A novel method based on symbolic regression for interpretable semantic similarity measurement
J Martinez-Gil, JM Chaves-Gonzalez
Expert Systems with Applications 160, 113663, 2020
An overview of knowledge management techniques for e-recruitment
J Martinez-Gil
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management 13 (02), 1450014, 2014
Automatic design of semantic similarity controllers based on fuzzy logics
J Martinez-Gil, JM Chaves-Gonzalez
Expert Systems with Applications 131, 45-59, 2019
Extending knowledge-based profile matching in the human resources domain
AL Paoletti, J Martinez-Gil, KD Schewe
Database and expert systems applications, 21-35, 2015
A comprehensive review of stacking methods for semantic similarity measurement
J Martinez-Gil
Machine Learning with Applications 10, 100423, 2022
Evolutionary algorithm based on different semantic similarity functions for synonym recognition in the biomedical domain
JM Chaves-González, J Martínez-Gil
Knowledge-Based Systems 37, 62-69, 2013
Top-k matching queries for filter-based profile matching in knowledge bases
AL Paoletti, J Martinez-Gil, KD Schewe
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 295-302, 2016
Semantic similarity aggregators for very short textual expressions: a case study on landmarks and points of interest
J Martinez-Gil
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 1-20, 2019
Maf: An ontology matching framework
J Martinez-Gil, I Navas-Delgado, JF Aldana-Montes
Journal of Universal Computer Science 18 (2), 194-217, 2012
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