Ashwin Joy
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Kelvin Helmholtz Instability in Strongly Coupled Yukawa Liquids
J Ashwin, G R
Physical Review Letters 104, 215003, 2010
Cooling-rate dependence of the shear modulus of amorphous solids
J Ashwin, E Bouchbinder, I Procaccia
Physical Review E 87, 042310, 2013
Microscopic origin of shear relaxation in a model viscoelastic liquid
J Ashwin, A Sen
Physical Review Letters 114 (5), 055002, 2015
Coherent Vortices in Strongly Coupled Liquids
J Ashwin, G R
Physical Review Letters 106, 135001, 2011
Yield-strain and shear-band direction in amorphous solids under two-dimensional uniaxial loading
O Gendelman, I Procaccia, C Shor
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (2 …, 2013
Effect of external drive on strongly coupled Yukawa systems: A nonequilibrium molecular dynamics study
R Ganesh
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009
Friction scaling laws for transport in active turbulence
S CP, A Joy
Physical Review Fluids 5 (2), 024302, 2020
On the Effect of Micro-alloying on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Glasses
O Gendelman, J Ashwin, P Mishra, I Procaccia, K Samwer, 2013
Derivation of the Johnson-Samwer Temperature Dependence of the Yield Strain in Metallic Glasses
R Dasgupta, J Ashwin, HGE Hentschel, I Procaccia
Phys. Rev B. (Rapid Communications) 87, 020101 (2013), 2013
Kolmogorov flow in two dimensional strongly coupled dusty plasma
A Gupta, R Ganesh, A Joy
Physics of plasmas 21 (7), 2014
Properties of gravitationally equilibrated Yukawa systems—A molecular dynamics study
H Charan, R Ganesh, A Joy
Physics of Plasmas 21 (4), 2014
Molecular shear heating and vortex dynamics in thermostatted two dimensional Yukawa liquids
A Gupta, R Ganesh, A Joy
Physics of Plasmas 23 (7), 2016
Kolmogorov flow in two dimensional strongly coupled Yukawa liquid: A molecular dynamics study
A Gupta, R Ganesh, A Joy
Physics of Plasmas 22 (10), 2015
Spreading plastic failure as a mechanism for the shear modulus reduction in amorphous solids
V Chikkadi, O Gendelman, V Ilyin, J Ashwin, I Procaccia, CABZ Shor
Europhysics Letters 110 (4), 48001, 2015
Parallel shear instabilities in strongly coupled Yukawa liquids: A comparison of generalized hydrodynamic model and molecular dynamics results
J Ashwin, G R
Physics of Plasmas 17, 103706, 2010
Dense Strongly Coupled Plasma in Double Laser Pulse Ablation of Lithium: Experiment and Simulation
A Kumar, V Sivakumaran, J Ashwin, R Ganesh
Physics of Plasmas 20, 082708, 2013
Connecting relaxation time to a dynamical length scale in athermal active glass formers
D Ghoshal, A Joy
Physical Review E 102 (6), 062605, 2020
Compressible Kolmogorov flow in strongly coupled dusty plasma using molecular dynamics and computational fluid dynamics. II. A comparative study
A Gupta, R Ganesh, A Joy
Physics of Plasmas 25 (1), 2018
Universal scaling of pair-excess entropy and diffusion in Yukawa liquids
A Joy
Physics of Plasmas 24 (1), 2017
Effective temperature and Einstein relation for particles in active matter flows
S CP, A Joy
Physical Review E 105 (6), 065114, 2022
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