Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Subhash SuriUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibile pubblicamente: 1
Bundled crossings in embedded graphs
M Fink, J Hershberger, S Suri, K Verbeek
LATIN 2016: Theoretical Informatics: 12th Latin American Symposium, Ensenada …, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Disponibili pubblicamente: 25
Simple robots with minimal sensing: From local visibility to global geometry
S Suri, E Vicari, P Widmayer
The International Journal of Robotics Research 27 (9), 1055-1067, 2008
Mandati: Swiss National Science Foundation
Convex hulls under uncertainty
PK Agarwal, S Har-Peled, S Suri, H Yıldız, W Zhang
Algorithmica 79, 340-367, 2017
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
On the most likely voronoi diagram and nearest neighbor searching
S Suri, K Verbeek
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 26 (03n04 …, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Approximating dominating set on intersection graphs of rectangles and L-frames
S Bandyapadhyay, A Maheshwari, S Mehrabi, S Suri
Computational Geometry 82, 32-44, 2019
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Simple robots in polygonal environments: A hierarchy
J Brunner, M Mihalák, S Suri, E Vicari, P Widmayer
Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks: Fourth International …, 2008
Mandati: Swiss National Science Foundation
Range-max queries on uncertain data
PK Agarwal, N Kumar, S Sintos, S Suri
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 94, 118-134, 2018
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Hyperplane separability and convexity of probabilistic point sets
M Fink, J Hershberger, N Kumar, S Suri
32nd International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2016), 38: 1-38: 16, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Geometric k Shortest Paths
S Eriksson-Bique, J Hershberger, V Polishchuk, B Speckmann, S Suri, ...
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2014
Mandati: Academy of Finland
Range-max queries on uncertain data
PK Agarwal, N Kumar, S Sintos, S Suri
Proceedings of the 35th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of …, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Block crossings in storyline visualizations
T van Dijk, M Fink, N Fischer, F Lipp, P Markfelder, A Ravsky, S Suri, ...
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 21 (5), 873-913, 2017
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Hyperplane separability and convexity of probabilistic point sets
M Fink, J Hershberger, N Kumar, S Suri
Journal of Computational Geometry 8 (2), 32–57-32–57, 2017
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Shortest paths in the plane with obstacle violations
J Hershberger, N Kumar, S Suri
Algorithmica 82 (7), 1813-1832, 2020
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Improved approximation bounds for the minimum constraint removal problem
S Bandyapadhyay, N Kumar, S Suri, K Varadarajan
Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and …, 2018
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Computing shortest paths in the plane with removable obstacles
PK Agarwal, N Kumar, S Sintos, S Suri
16th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT 2018), 5 …, 2018
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Analytic tractography: A closed-form solution for estimating local white matter connectivity with diffusion MRI
M Cieslak, T Brennan, W Meiring, LJ Volz, C Greene, A Asturias, S Suri, ...
NeuroImage 169, 473-484, 2018
Mandati: US Department of Defense
Dynamic Geometric Set Cover, Revisited∗
TM Chan, Q He, S Suri, J Xue
Proceedings of the 2022 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms …, 2022
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Most likely voronoi diagrams in higher dimensions
N Kumar, B Raichel, S Suri, K Verbeek
36th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and …, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Angle optimization in target tracking
B Gfeller, M Mihalák, S Suri, E Vicari, P Widmayer
Algorithm Theory–SWAT 2008: 11th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory …, 2008
Mandati: Swiss National Science Foundation
Efficient algorithms for least square piecewise polynomial regression
D Lokshtanov, S Suri, J Xue
ESA21: Proceedings of European Symposium on Algorithms, 2021
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
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