Michael Stanton
Michael Stanton
Director of Research and Development, Brazilian Education and Research Network (RNP)
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Providing quality of service for mesh networks using link delay measurements
W Cordeiro, E Aguiar, WM Junior, A Abelem, M Stanton
2007 16th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks …, 2007
Benefits brought by the use of OpenFlow/SDN on the AmLight intercontinental research and education network
J Ibarra, J Bezerra, H Morgan, LF Lopez, DA Cox, M Stanton, I Machado, ...
2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2015
Using multiple metrics with the optimized link state routing protocol for wireless mesh networks
W Moreira, E Aguiar, A Abelém, M Stanton
SimpˆUsio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas DistribuIdos, 2008
Fibre-an international testbed for future internet experimentation
T Salmito, L Ciuffo, I Machado, M Salvador, M Stanton, N Rodriguez, ...
Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos-SBRC …, 2014
Non-commercial networking in Brazil
MA Stanton
Proc. INET, 1993
Pesquisa experimental para a internet do futuro: Uma proposta utilizando virtualização e o frame-work openflow
FNN Farias, JMD Júnior, JJ Salvatti, S Silva, AJG Abelém, MR Salvador, ...
XXIX Simpósio de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos-SBRC, 18, 2011
Project GIGA-high-speed experimental IP/WDM network
RR Scarabucci, MA Stanton, MRX de Barros, MR Salvador, SM Rossi, ...
First International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for …, 2005
A evolução das redes acadêmicas no Brasil: Parte 1-da BITNET à Internet
M Stanton
Boletim Bimestral da RNP 2 (6), 1998
Scifi–a software-based controller for efficient wireless networks
LCS Magalhães, HD Balbi, C Corrêa, RDT Valle, M Stanton
UbuntuNet Alliance, 2013
Inter-redes IP baseadas em Redes Ópticas
Livro texto dos Minicursos 20, 63-123, 2002
FIT@ BR-a Future Internet Testbed in Brazil
A Abelem, M Stanton, I Machado, M Salvador, L Magalhaes, N Fernandes, ...
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network 36, 1-8, 2013
Projeto de pesquisa
MA Stanton
A evolução das redes acadêmicas no Brasil
M Stanton
RNP News Generation. Disponível em:< http://www. rnp. br/newsgen/9806/inter …, 2006
Are Aristolochic Acids Responsible for the Chemical Defence of Aposematic Larvae of Battus polydamas (L.) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)?
ABB Morais, KS Brown, MA Stanton, KF Massuda, JR Trigo
Neotropical entomology 42, 558-564, 2013
Using a simple prioritisation mechanism to effectively interoperate service and opportunistic grids in the eela-2 e-infrastructure
F Brasileiro, M Gaudencio, R Silva, A Duarte, D Carvalho, D Scardaci, ...
Journal of Grid Computing 9, 241-257, 2011
Building optical networks for the higher education and research community in Brazil
MA Stanton, NS da Silva
2nd International Conference on Broadband Networks, 2005., 1499-1505, 2005
Tri-continental premiere of 4K feature movie via network streaming at FILE 2009
T Margolis, S Brown, T Cornish, H Bracho, M Stanton, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 27 (7), 924-934, 2011
A phenomenological study of cosmic ray propagation-A corrected diffusion model
F Le Guet, M Stanton
Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 35, no. 2, Oct. 1974, p. 165-169. 35, 165-169, 1974
Alternatives for community metropolitan networks for the major cities of the Amazon region of Brazil: the case of Belem
AJG Abelem, MA Stanton
2nd International Conference on Broadband Networks, 2005., 1492-1498, 2005
RedCLARA: Integrating Latin America into global Research & Education networking
MA Stanton, C Stöver
DANTE, UK. Retrieved April 15, 2009, 2005
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20