Ivan Gonoskov
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Anomalous Radiative Trapping in Laser Fields of Extreme Intensity
A Gonoskov, A Bashinov, I Gonoskov, C Harvey, A Ilderton, A Kim, ...
Physical Review Letters 113, 014801, 2014
Dipole pulse theory: Maximizing the field amplitude from focused laser pulses
I Gonoskov, A Aiello, S Heugel, G Leuchs
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (5), 053836, 2012
Probing Nonperturbative QED with Optimally Focused Laser Pulses
A Gonoskov, I Gonoskov, C Harvey, A Ilderton, A Kim, M Marklund, ...
Physical Review Letters 111, 060404, 2013
High-order harmonic generation by atoms in an elliptically polarized laser field: Harmonic polarization properties and laser threshold ellipticity
VV Strelkov, MA Khokhlova, AA Gonoskov, IA Gonoskov, MY Ryabikin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (1), 013404, 2012
High-order harmonics measured by the photon statistics of the infrared driving-field exiting the atomic medium
N Tsatrafyllis, IK Kominis, IA Gonoskov, P Tzallas
Nature Communications 8 (1), 15170, 2017
Origin for Ellipticity of High-Order Harmonics Generated in Atomic Gases and the<? format?> Sublaser-Cycle Evolution of Harmonic Polarization
VV Strelkov, AA Gonoskov, IA Gonoskov, MY Ryabikin
Physical review letters 107 (4), 043902, 2011
Quantum optical signatures in a strong laser pulse after interaction with semiconductors
N Tsatrafyllis, S Kühn, M Dumergue, P Foldi, S Kahaly, E Cormier, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (19), 193602, 2019
Quantum optical signatures in strong-field laser physics: Infrared photon counting in high-order-harmonic generation
Ivan Gonoskov, Nikos Tsatrafyllis, Iannis Kominis, Paris Tzallas
Scientific Reports 6, 32821, 2016
High-order harmonic generation in light molecules: moving-nuclei semiclassical simulations
IA Gonoskov, MY Ryabikin, AM Sergeev
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, S445-S455, 2006
Nonclassical light generation and control from laser-driven semiconductor intraband excitations
I Gonoskov, R Sondenheimer, C Hünecke, D Kartashov, U Peschel, ...
Physical Review B 109 (12), 125110, 2024
Generation of magnetic skyrmions by focused vortex laser pulses
OP Polyakov, IA Gonoskov, VS Stepanyuk, EKU Gross
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (7), 2020
Two-center interference in high harmonic generation from diatomic molecule: detailed numerical study
IA Gonoskov, MY Ryabikin
Journal of Modern Optics 55 (16), 2685-2692, 2008
Ionization in a quantized electromagnetic field
IA Gonoskov, GA Vugalter, VA Mironov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 105, 1119-1131, 2007
Closed-form solution of a general three-term recurrence relation
I Gonoskov
Advances in Difference Equations 2014 (196), 2014
Single-step propagators for calculation of time evolution in quantum systems with arbitrary interactions
I Gonoskov, M Marklund
Computer Physics Communications 202, 211–215, 2016
Diffraction imaging of a diatomic molecule using recolliding electrons: Role of Coulomb potential and nuclear motion
AA Gonoskov, IA Gonoskov, MY Ryabikin, AM Sergeev
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (3), 033424, 2008
Light–matter quantum dynamics of complex laser-driven systems
I Gonoskov, S Gräfe
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (23), 2021
Cyclic Operator Decomposition for Solving the Differential Equations
I Gonoskov
Advances in Pure Mathematics 3 (1A), 178-182, 2013
On the diagonalization of quadratic Hamiltonians
VJ Härkönen, IA Gonoskov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55 (1), 015306, 2021
Suppression of reflection from the grid boundary in solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation by split-step technique with fast Fourier transform
AA Gonoskov, IA Gonoskov
arXiv preprint physics/0607120, 2006
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