Chapter 1. Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning: A Survey and Interpretation 1 TR Besold, A d’Avila Garcez, S Bader, H Bowman, P Domingos, P Hitzler, ... Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art, 1-51, 2021 | 453 | 2021 |
The connectionist inductive learning and logic programming system AS Avila Garcez, G Zaverucha Applied Intelligence 11, 59-77, 1999 | 257 | 1999 |
Fast relational learning using bottom clause propositionalization with artificial neural networks MVM França, G Zaverucha, AS d’Avila Garcez Machine learning 94, 81-104, 2014 | 179 | 2014 |
A distribution design methodology for object DBMS F Baião, M Mattoso, G Zaverucha Distributed and Parallel Databases 16 (1), 45-90, 2004 | 52 | 2004 |
A multi-objective optimization approach accurately resolves protein domain architectures JS Bernardes, FRJ Vieira, G Zaverucha, A Carbone Bioinformatics 32 (3), 345-353, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
Improvement in protein domain identification is reached by breaking consensus, with the agreement of many profiles and domain co-occurrence J Bernardes, G Zaverucha, C Vaquero, A Carbone PLoS computational biology 12 (7), e1005038, 2016 | 39 | 2016 |
Evaluation and improvements of clustering algorithms for detecting remote homologous protein families JS Bernardes, FRJ Vieira, LMM Costa, G Zaverucha BMC bioinformatics 16, 1-14, 2015 | 38 | 2015 |
Object oriented design expertise reuse: An approach based on heuristics, design patterns and anti-patterns AL Correa, CML Werner, G Zaverucha International Conference on Software Reuse, 336-352, 2000 | 35 | 2000 |
Improving model construction of profile HMMs for remote homology detection through structural alignment JS Bernardes, AMR Dávila, VS Costa, G Zaverucha BMC bioinformatics 8, 1-12, 2007 | 33 | 2007 |
Learning logic programs with neural networks R Basilio, G Zaverucha, VC Barbosa Inductive Logic Programming: 11th International Conference, ILP 2001 …, 2001 | 29 | 2001 |
Logical inference and inductive learning in artificial neural networks ASA Garcez, G Zaverucha, LAV De Carvalho Knowledge Representation in Neural networks, 33-46, 1997 | 29 | 1997 |
Horizontal fragmentation in object dbms: New issues and performance evaluation F Baião, M Mattoso, G Zaverucha Conference Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Performance, Computing …, 2000 | 28 | 2000 |
Chess revision: Acquiring the rules of chess variants through FOL theory revision from examples S Muggleton, A Paes, V Santos Costa, G Zaverucha Inductive Logic Programming: 19th International Conference, ILP 2009, Leuven …, 2010 | 26 | 2010 |
Using the bottom clause and mode declarations in FOL theory revision from examples AL Duboc, A Paes, G Zaverucha Machine learning 76, 73-107, 2009 | 26 | 2009 |
Probabilistic first-order theory revision from examples A Paes, K Revoredo, G Zaverucha, VS Costa Inductive Logic Programming: 15th International Conference, ILP 2005, Bonn …, 2005 | 26 | 2005 |
Artificial neural networks for power systems diagnosis V Navarro, AL da Silva, LAV de Carvalho, G Zaverucha Proceedings of 1994 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN …, 1994 | 25 | 1994 |
Towards an inductive design of distributed object oriented databases F Baido, M Mattoso, G Zaverucha Proceedings. 3rd IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information …, 1998 | 20 | 1998 |
Neural-symbolic learning and reasoning: A survey and interpretation, CoRR abs/1711.03902 (2017) TR Besold, ASA Garcez, S Bader, H Bowman, PM Domingos, P Hitzler, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.03902, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
ILP through propositionalization and stochastic k-term DNF learning A Paes, F Železný, G Zaverucha, D Page, A Srinivasan International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, 379-393, 2006 | 19 | 2006 |
Normal programs and multiple predicate learning L Fogel, G Zaverucha Inductive Logic Programming: 8th International Conference, ILP-98 Madison …, 1998 | 17 | 1998 |