N. Anders Petersson
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A stable finite difference method for the elastic wave equation on complex geometries with free surfaces
D Appelo, NA Petersson
Communications in Computational Physics, vol. 5, no. 1, January 1, 2009, pp …, 2007
A fourth order accurate finite difference scheme for the elastic wave equation in second order formulation
B Sjögreen, NA Petersson
Journal of Scientific Computing 52, 17-48, 2012
Ground-motion modeling of Hayward fault scenario earthquakes, Part II: Simulation of long-period and broadband ground motions
BT Aagaard, RW Graves, A Rodgers, TM Brocher, RW Simpson, D Dreger, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 100 (6), 2945-2977, 2010
Ground-motion modeling of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, part II: Ground-motion estimates for the 1906 earthquake and scenario events
BT Aagaard, TM Brocher, D Dolenc, D Dreger, RW Graves, S Harmsen, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 98 (2), 1012-1046, 2008
Difference approximations for the second order wave equation
HO Kreiss, NA Petersson, J Yström
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 40 (5), 1940-1967, 2002
Stable difference approximations for the elastic wave equation in second order formulation
S Nilsson, NA Petersson, B Sjögreen, HO Kreiss
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 45 (5), 1902-1936, 2007
A second order accurate embedded boundary method for the wave equation with Dirichlet data
HO Kreiss, NA Petersson
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 (4), 1141-1167, 2006
Stability of pressure boundary conditions for Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations
NA Petersson
Journal of Computational Physics 172 (1), 40-70, 2001
Wave propagation in anisotropic elastic materials and curvilinear coordinates using a summation-by-parts finite difference method
NA Petersson, B Sjögreen
Journal of Computational Physics 299, 820-841, 2015
Two-level convergence theory for multigrid reduction in time (MGRIT)
VA Dobrev, T Kolev, NA Petersson, JB Schroder
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (5), S501-S527, 2017
Difference approximations of the Neumann problem for the second order wave equation
HO Kreiss, NA Petersson, J Yström
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 42 (3), 1292-1323, 2004
Broadband (0–5 Hz) fully deterministic 3D ground‐motion simulations of a magnitude 7.0 Hayward fault earthquake: Comparison with empirical ground‐motion models and 3D path and …
AJ Rodgers, NA Petersson, A Pitarka, DB McCallen, B Sjogreen, ...
Seismological Research Letters 90 (3), 1268-1284, 2019
Broadband (0–4 Hz) ground motions for a magnitude 7.0 Hayward fault earthquake with three‐dimensional structure and topography
AJ Rodgers, A Pitarka, NA Petersson, B Sjögreen, DB McCallen
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (2), 739-747, 2018
A split-step scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
WD Henshaw, NA Petersson
Numerical simulations of incompressible flows, 108-125, 2003
A Cartesian embedded boundary method for hyperbolic conservation laws
B Sjogreen, NA Petersson
Communications in Computational Physics, vol. 2, no. 6, March 12, 2008, pp …, 2006
Simulation of topographic effects on seismic waves from shallow explosions near the North Korean nuclear test site with emphasis on shear wave generation
AJ Rodgers, NA Petersson, B Sjogreen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B11), 2010
Broadband waveform modeling of moderate earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay area and preliminary assessment of the USGS 3D seismic velocity model
A Rodgers, NA Petersson, S Nilsson, B Sjögreen, K McCandless
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 98 (2), 969-988, 2008
High-fidelity software-defined quantum logic on a superconducting qudit
X Wu, SL Tomarken, NA Petersson, LA Martinez, YJ Rosen, JL DuBois
Physical Review Letters 125 (17), 170502, 2020
Stable grid refinement and singular source discretization for seismic wave simulations
NA Petersson, B Sjogreen
Communications in Computational Physics, vol. 8, no. 5, May 31, 2010, pp …, 2009
Hole-cutting for three-dimensional overlapping grids
NA Petersson
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 21 (2), 646-665, 1999
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