Colored black holes P Bizon
Physical review letters 64 (24), 2844, 1990
634 1990 Weakly turbulent instability of anti–de sitter spacetime P Bizoń, A Rostworowski
Physical Review Letters 107 (3), 031102, 2011
552 2011 Critical behavior in gravitational collapse of a Yang-Mills field MW Choptuik, T Chmaj, P Bizoń
Physical review letters 77 (3), 424, 1996
195 1996 Gravitating skyrmions P Bizon, T Chmaj
Physics Letters B 297 (1-2), 55-62, 1992
183 1992 AdS collapse of a scalar field in higher dimensions J Jałmużna, A Rostworowski, P Bizoń
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (8), 085021, 2011
118 2011 Resonant dynamics and the instability of anti–de Sitter spacetime P Bizoń, M Maliborski, A Rostworowski
Physical review letters 115 (8), 081103, 2015
111 2015 Gravitating solitons and hairy black holes P Bizoń
arXiv preprint gr-qc/9402016, 1994
109 1994 On blowup for semilinear wave equations with a focusing nonlinearity P Bizoń, T Chmaj, Z Tabor
Nonlinearity 17 (6), 2187, 2004
94 2004 The n= 1 colored black hole is unstable P Bizon, RM Wald
Physics Letters B 267 (2), 173-174, 1991
89 1991 Magnetically charged black holes and their stability PC Aichelburg, P Bizon
Physical Review D 48 (2), 607, 1993
88 1993 Formation of singularities for equivariant (2+ 1)-dimensional wave maps into the 2-sphere P Bizon, T Chmaj, Z Tabor
Nonlinearity 14 (5), 1041, 2001
87 2001 Trapped surfaces in spherical stars P Bizon, E Malec, N O'Murchadha
Physical review letters 61 (10), 1147, 1988
84 1988 No-hair theorem for spherical monopoles and dyons in SU (2) Einstein Yang-Mills theory P Bizon, OT Popp
Classical and Quantum Gravity 9 (1), 193, 1992
81 1992 Dispersion and collapse of wave maps P Bizon, T Chmaj, Z Tabor
Nonlinearity 13 (4), 1411, 2000
77 2000 Critical behavior in vacuum gravitational collapse in 4+ 1 dimensions P Bizoń, T Chmaj, BG Schmidt
Physical review letters 95 (7), 071102, 2005
74 2005 Globally regular instability of P Bizoń, J Jałmużna
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.0317, 2013
73 * 2013 A remark about wave equations on the extreme Reissner–Nordström black hole exterior P Bizoń, H Friedrich
Classical and Quantum Gravity 30 (6), 065001, 2013
73 2013 Equivariant self-similar wave maps from Minkowski spacetime into 3-sphere P Bizoń
Communications in Mathematical Physics 215, 45-56, 2000
72 2000 Is AdS stable? P Bizoń
General Relativity and Gravitation 46, 1-14, 2014
70 2014 Stability of Einstein Yang-Mills black holes P Bizon
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