Gabriel A. Alzamendi
Gabriel A. Alzamendi
National Scientific and Technical Research Council, and Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
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Bayesian estimation of vocal function measures using laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy and glottal airflow estimates: An in vivo case study
GA Alzamendi, R Manríquez, PJ Hadwin, JJ Deng, SD Peterson, BD Erath, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147 (5), EL434-EL439, 2020
Triangular body-cover model of the vocal folds with coordinated activation of the five intrinsic laryngeal muscles
GA Alzamendi, SD Peterson, BD Erath, RE Hillman, M Zañartu
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151 (1), 17-30, 2022
Estimation of subglottal pressure, vocal fold collision pressure, and intrinsic laryngeal muscle activation from neck-surface vibration using a neural network framework and a …
EJ Ibarra, JA Parra, GA Alzamendi, JP Cortés, VM Espinoza, DD Mehta, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 12, 732244, 2021
LaDIVA: A neurocomputational model providing laryngeal motor control for speech acquisition and production
HR Weerathunge, GA Alzamendi, GJ Cler, FH Guenther, CE Stepp, ...
PLoS computational biology 18 (6), e1010159, 2022
Evaluation of a new model for vowels synthesis with perturbations in acoustic parameters
GA Alzamendi, G Schlotthauer, HL Rufiner, ME Torres
Latin American applied research 43 (3), 225-230, 2013
Wavelet leader multifractal analysis of period and amplitude sequences from sustained vowels
RF Leonarduzzi, GA Alzamendi, G Schlotthauer, ME Torres
Speech Communication 72, 1-12, 2015
Vocal fold activity detection from speech related biomedical signals: a preliminary study
AE Stassi, GA Alzamendi, G Schlotthauer, ME Torres
VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná …, 2015
Direct measurement and modeling of intraglottal, subglottal, and vocal fold collision pressures during phonation in an individual with a hemilaryngectomy
DD Mehta, JB Kobler, SM Zeitels, M Zañartu, EJ Ibarra, GA Alzamendi, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (16), 7256, 2021
Modeling and joint estimation of glottal source and vocal tract filter by state-space methods
GA Alzamendi, G Schlotthauer
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 37, 5-15, 2017
VI Latin American congress on biomedical engineering CLAIB 2014, paraná, Argentina 29, 30 & 31 october 2014
A Braidot, A Hadad
Springer, 2015
Kalman filter implementation of subglottal impedance-based inverse filtering to estimate glottal airflow during phonation
JP Cortés, GA Alzamendi, AJ Weinstein, JI Yuz, VM Espinoza, DD Mehta, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (1), 401, 2021
Modeling the influence of the extrinsic musculature on phonation
MA Serry, GA Alzamendi, M Zañartu, SD Peterson
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 22 (4), 1365-1378, 2023
Evaluación de un nuevo modelo de síntesis de vocales con perturbaciones en los parámetros acústicos
GA Alzamendi, G Schlotthauer, HL Rufiner, ME Torres
CD de trabajos completos XIV Reunión de Trabajo en Procesamiento de la …, 2011
State-space approach to structural representation of perturbed pitch period sequences in voice signals
GA Alzamendi, G Schlotthauer, ME Torres
Journal of Voice 29 (6), 682-692, 2015
An Euler–Bernoulli-type beam model of the vocal folds for describing curved and incomplete glottal closure patterns
MA Serry, GA Alzamendi, M Zañartu, SD Peterson
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 147, 106130, 2023
Correntropy-based linear prediction for voice inverse filtering
IA Zalazar, GA Alzamendi, M Zañartu, G Schlotthauer
18th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis …, 2023
Formulation of a stochastic glottal source model inspired on deterministic Liljencrants-Fant model
GA Alzamendi, G Schlotthauer, ME Torres
Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications: 9th …, 2015
A new method for structural analysis of perturbed pitch period series
GA Alzamendi, G Schlotthauer, ME Torres
VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná …, 2015
Desarrollo de un modelo para la sıntesis de voz irregular basado en parámetros acústicos
GA Alzamendi, G Schlotthauer, HL Rufiner, ME Torres
Empirical distribution of glottal edges (edge): A statistical assessment of vocal fold kinematics using high-speed videoendoscopy
EJ Ibarra, GE Galindo, GA Alzamendi, JP Cortes, C Castro, R Manríquez, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024
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