Health care spending in the United States and other high-income countries I Papanicolas, LR Woskie, AK Jha Jama 319 (10), 1024-1039, 2018 | 1761 | 2018 |
Health effects of financial crisis: omens of a Greek tragedy A Kentikelenis, M Karanikolos, I Papanicolas, S Basu, M McKee, ... The Lancet 378 (9801), 1457-1458, 2011 | 936 | 2011 |
Performance measurement for health system improvement: experiences, challenges and prospects PC Smith Cambridge university press, 2009 | 747 | 2009 |
Health system performance comparison: an agenda for policy, information and research I Papanicolas, P Smith McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2013 | 323 | 2013 |
Impact of symptoms on quality of life before and after diagnosis of coeliac disease: results from a UK population survey AM Gray, IN Papanicolas BMC health services research 10, 1-7, 2010 | 182 | 2010 |
Health system efficiency: how to make measurement matter for policy and management TH SYS TEN, 33, 2016 | 180 | 2016 |
Economic crisis, austerity and the Greek public health system A Kentikelenis, I Papanicolas The European journal of public health 22 (1), 4-5, 2012 | 154 | 2012 |
Health system performance assessment: a framework for policy analysis I Papanicolas, D Rajan, M Karanikolos, A Soucat, JF MARIMONT World Health Organization, 2022 | 136 | 2022 |
An analysis of perceived access to health care in Europe: how universal is universal coverage? J Cylus, I Papanicolas Health policy 119 (9), 1133-1144, 2015 | 132 | 2015 |
Association of nursing home ratings on health inspections, quality of care, and nurse staffing with COVID-19 cases JF Figueroa, RK Wadhera, I Papanicolas, K Riley, J Zheng, EJ Orav, ... Jama 324 (11), 1103-1105, 2020 | 119 | 2020 |
Performance of UK National Health Service compared with other high income countries: observational study I Papanicolas, E Mossialos, A Gundersen, L Woskie, AK Jha bmj 367, 2019 | 117 | 2019 |
An analysis of survey data from eleven countries finds that ‘satisfaction’with health system performance means many things I Papanicolas, J Cylus, PC Smith Health Affairs 32 (4), 734-742, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
Patient hospital experience improved modestly, but no evidence Medicare incentives promoted meaningful gains I Papanicolas, JF Figueroa, EJ Orav, AK Jha Health Affairs 36 (1), 133-140, 2017 | 66 | 2017 |
Health system performance comparison: new directions in research and policy. I Papanicolas, D Kringos, NS Klazinga, PC Smith | 66 | 2013 |
Measuring inequalities in access to health care: a review of the indices S Allin, C Masseria, C Sorenson, I Papanicola, E Mossialos London Sch Econ Polit Sci, 1-24, 2007 | 66 | 2007 |
Motivating provision of high quality care: it is not all about the money M Lagarde, L Huicho, I Papanicolas bmj 366, 2019 | 54 | 2019 |
Performance measurement for health system improvement: experiences, challenges and prospects S Leatherman, E Mossialos, I Papanicolas Cambridge University Press, 2010 | 54 | 2010 |
How to make sense of health system efficiency comparisons? J Cylus, I Papanicolas, PC Smith World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, 2017 | 53 | 2017 |
The relationship between health spending and social spending in high-income countries: how does the US compare? I Papanicolas, LR Woskie, D Orlander, EJ Orav, AK Jha Health Affairs 38 (9), 1567-1575, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
A tumor DNA complex aberration index is an independent predictor of survival in breast and ovarian cancer HKM Vollan, OM Rueda, SF Chin, C Curtis, G Turashvili, S Shah, ... Molecular oncology 9 (1), 115-127, 2015 | 51 | 2015 |