Jitendra S Rathore
Jitendra S Rathore
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, BITS Pilani
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Facile synthesis of graphene by ultrasonic-assisted electrochemical exfoliation of graphite
AD Pingale, A Owhal, AS Katarkar, SU Belgamwar, JS Rathore
Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 467-472, 2021
Synthesis and characterization of Cu–Ni/Gr nanocomposite coatings by electro-co-deposition method: effect of current density
AD Pingale, SU Belgamwar, JS Rathore
Bulletin of Materials Science 43, 1-9, 2020
Effect of Graphene Nanoplatelets Addition on the Mechanical, Tribological and Corrosion Properties of Cu–Ni/Gr Nanocomposite Coatings by Electro-co-deposition Method
AD Pingale, SU Belgamwar, JS Rathore
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 1-9, 2019
A novel approach for facile synthesis of Cu-Ni/GNPs composites with excellent mechanical and tribological properties
AD Pingale, SU Belgamwar, JS Rathore
Materials Science and Engineering: B 260, 114643, 2020
Recent researches on Cu-Ni alloy matrix composites through electrodeposition and powder metallurgy methods: A review
AD Pingale, A Owhal, AS Katarkar, SU Belgamwar, JS Rathore
Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 3301-3308, 2021
Development and characterization of Cu-Gr composite coatings by electro-co-deposition technique
AR Shelke, J Balwada, S Sharma, AD Pingale, SU Belgamwar, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 28, 2090-2095, 2020
Investigation of zinc concentration in some medicinal plant leaves
JS Rathore, U Mohit
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2 (1), 15-17, 2013
The influence of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-GNPs composites fabricated by electro-co-deposition and powder …
AD Pingale, SU Belgamwar, JS Rathore
Materials Today: Proceedings 28, 2062-2067, 2020
Preparation of novel Zn/Gr MMC using a modified electro-co-deposition method: Microstructural and tribo-mechanical properties
A Owhal, AD Pingale, SU Belgamwar, JS Rathore
Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 222-228, 2021
Electro-codeposition and properties of Cu–Ni-MWCNTs composite coatings
AD Pingale, A Owhal, SU Belgamwar, JS Rathore
Transactions of the IMF 99 (3), 126-132, 2021
Facile and scalable co-deposition of anti-bacterial Zn-GNS nanocomposite coatings for hospital facilities: tribo-mechanical and anti-corrosion properties
A Owhal, AD Pingale, S Khan, SU Belgamwar, PN Jha, JS Rathore
Jom 73, 4270-4278, 2021
Effect of current on the characteristics of CuNi-G nanocomposite coatings developed by DC, PC and PRC electrodeposition
AD Pingale, A Owhal, SU Belgamwar, JS Rathore
Jom 73 (12), 4299-4308, 2021
Electro-codeposited γ-Zn-Ni/Gr composite coatings: Effect of graphene concentrations in the electrolyte bath on tribo-mechanical, anti-corrosion and anti-bacterial properties
A Owhal, AD Pingale, S Khan, SU Belgamwar, PN Jha, JS Rathore
Transactions of the IMF 99 (6), 324-331, 2021
Engineering Nanorobots: Chronology of Modeling Flagellar Propulsion
JS Rathore, NN Sharma
Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine(Transactions ASME) 1 (3), 2010
Nanorobot Propulsion Using Helical Elastic Filaments at Low Reynolds Numbers
K Deepak, JS Rathore, NN Sharma
Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine(Transactions ASME) 2 (1), 2011
A brief manifestation of anti-bacterial nanofiller reinforced coatings against the microbial growth based novel engineering problems
A Owhal, AD Pingale, SU Belgamwar, JS Rathore
Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 3320-3330, 2021
Co-deposited Zn-Cu/Gr nanocomposite: Corrosion behaviour and in-vitro cytotoxicity assessment
A Owhal, M Choudhary, SU Belgamwar, S Mukherjee, JS Rathore
Transactions of the IMF 99 (4), 215-223, 2021
Tapered Flagellated Nanoswimmer: Comparison of Helical Wave and Planar Wave Propulsion
RS Kotesa, JS Rathore, NN Sharma
BioNanoScience, 2013
Planar Wave Propagation Through a Tapered Flagellated Nanoswimmer
J Rathore, R Majumdar, N Sharma
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 11 (6), 1117-1121, 2012
Comparison of piezo-material based energy transduction systems for artificial nanoswimmer
S Nain, JS Rathore, NN Sharma
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 346 (1), 012079, 2018
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