XiaoHang Liu
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Spatial metrics and image texture for mapping urban land use
M Herold, X Liu, KC Clarke
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 69 (9), 991-1002, 2003
Population‐density estimation using regression and area‐to‐point residual kriging
XH Liu, PC Kyriakidis, MF Goodchild
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22 (4), 431-447, 2008
Assessing the impact of temporal dynamics on land-use change modeling
XH Liu, C Andersson
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 28 (1-2), 107-124, 2004
Population density and image texture: A comparison study
X Liu, K Clarke, M Herold
Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 72 (2), 187, 2006
Accuracy assessment of digital elevation models based on approximation theory
P Hu, X Liu, H Hu
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 75 (1), 49-56, 2009
Pedestrian Volume Modeling: A Case Study of San Francisco
XH Liu, J Griswold
Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 71 (1), 164-181, 2009
Estimation of residential population using high resolution satellite imagery
X Liu, KC Clarke
Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, 11-13, 2002
Accuracy Assessment of LiDAR-Derived Digital Elevation Models Based on Approximation Theory
XH Liu, H Hu, P Hu
Remote Sensing 7 (6), 7062-7079, 2015
Estimation of the spatial distribution of urban population using high spatial resolution satellite imagery
XH Liu
Voronoi diagram generation on the ellipsoidal earth
H Hu, XH Liu, P Hu
Computers & Geosciences 73, 81-87, 2014
Building regional threat-based networks for estuaries in the western United States
MS Merrifield, E Hines, X Liu, MW Beck
PloS one 6 (2), e17407, 2011
Approximation theory applied to DEM vertical accuracy assessment
XH Liu, P Hu, H Hu, J Sherba
Transactions in GIS 16 (3), 397-410, 2012
13 Population Estimation and Interpolation Using Remote Sensing
X Liu, M Herold
Urban remote sensing, 269, 2006
Dasymetric mapping with image texture
XH Liu
ASPRS Annual Conference Proceedings Denver Colorado, USA, 2004
The accuracy assessment in areal interpolation: An empirical investigation
XH Liu, Y Liu
Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 51, 62-71, 2008
The “M” in digital elevation models
XH Liu, H Hu, P Hu
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 42 (3), 235-243, 2015
Isomorphism in digital elevation models and its implication to interpolation functions
P Hu, X Liu, H Hu
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 75 (6), 713-721, 2009
Of patterns and processes: Spatial metrics and geo-statistics in urban analysis
X Liu, M Herold
Integration of GIS and remote sensing 19, 93, 2008
Geostatistical mapping of thematic classification uncertainty
PC Kyriakidis, X Liu, MF Goodchild
Remote Sensing and GIS Accuracy Assessment, 145-162, 2004
Uncertainty assessment in dasymmetric mapping
XH Liu
ICC2005: International, 2005
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20