Marcelo de Oliveira Rosa
Marcelo de Oliveira Rosa
Departamento Acadêmico de Eletrotécnica, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
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Adaptive estimation of residue signal for voice pathology diagnosis
M de Oliveira Rosa, JC Pereira, M Grellet
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 47 (1), 96-104, 2000
A contribution to simulating a three-dimensional larynx model using the finite element method
M de Oliveira Rosa, JC Pereira, M Grellet, A Alwan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114 (5), 2893-2905, 2003
Normatização de medidas acústicas da voz normal
SA Araújo, M Grellet, JC Pereira, MO Rosa
Revista Brasileira de otorrinolaringologia 68, 540-544, 2002
A reduced model for complex network analysis of public transportation systems
AA De Bona, M de Oliveira Rosa, KVO Fonseca, R Lüders
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 567, 125715, 2021
Analysis of Public Bus Transportation of a Brazilian City Based on the Theory of Complex Networks Using the P‐Space
AA De Bona, KVO Fonseca, MO Rosa, R Lüders, M Delgado
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2016 (1), 3898762, 2016
Distribution patterns of phosphorylated Thr 3 and Thr 32 of histone H3 in plant mitosis and meiosis
AD Caperta, M Rosa, M Delgado, R Karimi, D Demidov, W Viegas, ...
Cytogenetic and Genome Research 122 (1), 73-79, 2008
Infecciones por Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina adquiridas en la comunidad en niños antes sanos y en niños relacionados al hospital en la Argentina
M Paganini, L Della, B Muller, G Ezcurra, M Uranga, C Aguirre, G Ensinck, ...
Revista chilena de infectología 26 (5), 406-412, 2009
Exploratory analysis of public transportation data in Curitiba
NP Kozievitch, TMC Gadda, KVO Fonseca, MO Rosa, LC Gomes Jr, ...
Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (SEMISH), 1656-1667, 2016
Urban mobility challenges–an exploratory analysis of public transportation data in curitiba
JJR Vila, NP Kozievitch, TMC Gadda, K Fonseca, MO Rosa, LC Gomes-Jr, ...
Revista de Informática Aplicada 12 (1), 2016
Secure end-to-end processing of smart metering data
A Brito, C Fetzer, S Köpsell, P Pietzuch, M Pasin, P Felber, K Fonseca, ...
Journal of Cloud Computing 8, 1-13, 2019
Exploiting approximations in supervisory control with distinguishers
M Rosa, M Teixeira, R Malik
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (7), 13-18, 2018
Aerodynamic study of three-dimensional larynx models using finite element methods
M de Oliveira Rosa, JC Pereira
Journal of Sound and Vibration 311 (1-2), 39-55, 2008
Evaluation of neural classifiers using statistic methods for identification of laryngeal pathologies
MO Rosa, JC Pereira, A Carvalho
Proceedings 5th Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (Cat. No. 98EX209 …, 1998
Combining k-means method and complex network analysis to evaluate city mobility
ELC da Silva, MDO Rosa, KVO Fonseca, R Luders, NP Kozievitch
2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2016
Acoustic characteristics of the metallic voice quality
CBX Fadel, AP Dassie-Leite, RS Santos, MO Rosa, JM Marques
CoDAS 27, 97-100, 2015
Rock as a construction material: durability, deterioration and conservation
M Rosa, M Montoto, J Ordaz
Materiales de construcción 41 (221), 61-73, 1991
Localização do paleovale do Rio Douro
AF Carvalho, MMP Rosa
Anais do Instituto Hidrográfico 9, 77-82, 1988
Signal processing and statistical procedures to identify laryngeal pathologies
MO Rosa, JC Pereira, M Greller, ACPLF Carvalho
ICECS'99. Proceedings of ICECS'99. 6th IEEE International Conference on …, 1999
Aspectos econômicos do uso da parte aérea in natura de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) para nutrição de cordeiros confinados e semiconfinados
LC Pereira, LCV Ítavo, RG Mateus, MO Rosa, I Macena, JF Reis Neto, ...
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 70, 279-286, 2018
Análise acústica da voz para pré-diagnóstico de patologias de laringe
MO Rosa, JC Pereira
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20