Denis Silva da Silveira
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A systematic mapping study on using social media for business process improvement
AM Nascimento, DS Da Silveira
Computers in Human Behavior 73, 670-675, 2017
SBL Ferreira, RC dos Santos, D da Silveira, MGL Ferreira
RCA–Revista de Controle e Administração Volume III, nº 2, jul./dez. 2007 …, 2007
Consumer behaviour in relation to food waste: A systematic literature review
JIAS dos Santos, DS da Silveira, MF da Costa, RB Duarte
British Food Journal 124 (12), 4420-4439, 2022
Uma Abordagem para a Transformação Automática do Modelo de Negócio em Modelo de Requisitos.
FG Dias, GP Morgado, P Oscar, DS da Silveira, AJ Alencar, P Lima, ...
WER, 51-60, 2006
Protocols for evaluation of site accessibility with the participation of blind users
SBL Ferreira, DS Da Silveira, EP Capra, AO Ferreira
Procedia Computer Science 14, 47-55, 2012
Information technology governance in small and medium enterprises-a systematic mapping
HCC Silva, DS Silveira, JS Dornelas, HS Ferreira
JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 17, e202017001, 2019
Evaluation of web accessibility: An approach related to functional illiteracy
EP Capra, SBL Ferreira, DS Da Silveira, AO Ferreira
Procedia Computer Science 14, 36-46, 2012
Diretrizes de acessibilidade: uma abordagem comparativa entre WCAG e e-MAG
CF Bach, SBL Ferreira, DS Silveira, RR Nunes
Revista Eletrônica de Sistemas de Informação 8 (1), 2009
A systematic literature review on the usage of eye-tracking in understanding process models
R Batista Duarte, D Silva da Silveira, V de Albuquerque Brito, CS Lopes
Business Process Management Journal 27 (1), 346-367, 2021
SnapMind: A framework to support consistency and validation of model-based requirements in agile development
F Wanderley, A Silva, J Araujo, DS Silveira
2014 IEEE 4th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop …, 2014
A Framework to Diminish the Gap between the Business Specialist and the Software Designer
FJA Wanderley, DS Silveira
8th International Conference on the Quality of Information and …, 2012
Generating feature model from creative requirements using model driven design
F Wanderley, DS da Silveira, J Araujo, M Lencastre
Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference …, 2012
Comparing business value modeling methods: A family of experiments
E Souza, A Moreira, J Araújo, S Abrahão, E Insfran, DS Da Silveira
Information and Software Technology 104, 179-193, 2018
Aligning usability requirements with the accessibility guidelines focusing on the visually-impaired
SBL Ferreira, RR Nunes, DS da Silveira
Procedia Computer Science 14, 263-273, 2012
LODPRO: learning objects development process
LM Queiros, DS Da Silveira, J da Silva Correia-Neto, G Vilar
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 22, 1-9, 2016
What’s the recipe to innovate? An analysis of the determinants of the degree of innovation in the gastronomy segment
RBB De Vasconcelos, RSG Vieira, DS Da Silveira
International Journal of Innovation Management 24 (01), 2050005, 2020
Applying the barrier walkthrough method: Going beyond the automatic evaluation of accessibility
H Braga, LS Pereira, SBL Ferreira, DS Da Silveira
Procedia Computer Science 27, 471-480, 2014
Práticas do CMMI® como regras de negócio
GP Morgado, I Gesser, DS Silveira, FSP Manso, P Lima, EA Schmitz
Production 17, 383-394, 2007
Evaluation of Potential Communication Breakdowns in the Interaction of the Deaf in Corporate Information Systems on the Web
A da Silva Alves, SBL Ferreira, VS de Oliveira, DS da Silva
Procedia Computer Science 14, 234-244, 2012
Acessibilidade de informações em portais governamentais para deficientes visuais: o caso da Receita Federal do Brasil
DS Silveira, MAA Silveira, SRP Andrade, GR Cunha, AF Ferreira
XI Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação Inovação e …, 2010
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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