Subodh Patil
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Features of heavy physics in the CMB power spectrum
A Achucarro, JO Gong, S Hardeman, GA Palma, SP Patil
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2011 (01), 030, 2011
Steepest growth of the power spectrum and primordial black holes
CT Byrnes, PS Cole, SP Patil
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2019 (06), 028, 2019
Features and new physical scales in primordial observables: theory and observation
J Chluba, J Hamann, SP Patil
International Journal of Modern Physics D 24 (10), 1530023, 2015
Effective theories of single field inflation when heavy fields matter
A Achucarro, JO Gong, S Hardeman, GA Palma, SP Patil
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (5), 1-30, 2012
Tensor modes from a primordial Hagedorn phase of string cosmology
RH Brandenberger, A Nayeri, SP Patil, C Vafa
Physical review letters 98 (23), 231302, 2007
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Inflation
F Finelli, M Bucher, A Achúcarro, M Ballardini, N Bartolo, D Baumann, ...
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2018 (04), 016, 2018
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Survey requirements and mission design
J Delabrouille, P De Bernardis, FR Bouchet, A Achúcarro, PAR Ade, ...
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2018 (04), 014, 2018
Mass hierarchies and nondecoupling in multi-scalar-field dynamics
A Achucarro, JO Gong, S Hardeman, GA Palma, SP Patil
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (4), 043502, 2011
New horizons in cosmology with spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background
J Chluba, MH Abitbol, N Aghanim, Y Ali-Haimoud, M Alvarez, K Basu, ...
Experimental Astronomy 51 (3), 1515-1554, 2021
String gas cosmology and structure formation
RH Brandenberger
Modern Physics Letters A 22 (25n28), 1875-1885, 2007
Heavy fields, reduced speeds of sound, and decoupling during inflation
A Achucarro, V Atal, S Cespedes, JO Gong, GA Palma, SP Patil
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (12), 121301, 2012
Correlating features in the primordial spectra
A Achúcarro, JO Gong, GA Palma, SP Patil
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (12), 121301, 2013
Spectral distortions of the CMB as a probe of inflation, recombination, structure formation and particle physics
J Chluba, A Kogut, SP Patil, MH Abitbol, N Aghanim, Y Ali-Haïmoud, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.04218, 2019
Radion stabilization by stringy effects in general relativity
SP Patil, R Brandenberger
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 71 (10), 103522, 2005
CMB imprints of a pre-inflationary climbing phase
E Dudas, N Kitazawa, SP Patil, A Sagnotti
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2012 (05), 012, 2012
Inflating in a trough: single-field effective theory from multiple-field curved valleys
CP Burgess, MW Horbatsch, S Patil
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (1), 1-49, 2013
The cosmology of massless string modes
SP Patil, RH Brandenberger
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2006 (01), 005, 2006
CMB spectral distortions: status and prospects
A Kogut, MH Abitbol, J Chluba, J Delabrouille, D Fixsen, JC Hill, SP Patil, ...
Closed string thermodynamics and a blue tensor spectrum
RH Brandenberger, A Nayeri, SP Patil
Physical Review D 90 (6), 067301, 2014
More on the spectrum of perturbations in string gas cosmology
RH Brandenberger, S Kanno, J Soda, DA Easson, J Khoury, P Martineau, ...
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2006 (11), 009, 2006
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