Scott J. Wolk
Scott J. Wolk
Harvard-Smithsonian Center fot Astrophysics
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UBVRI light curves of 44 type Ia supernovae
S Jha, RP Kirshner, P Challis, PM Garnavich, T Matheson, AM Soderberg, ...
The Astronomical Journal 131 (1), 527, 2006
Chandra Orion ultradeep project: observations and source lists
KV Getman, E Flaccomio, PS Broos, N Grosso, M Tsujimoto, L Townsley, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 160 (2), 319, 2005
CSI 2264: simultaneous optical and infrared light curves of young disk-bearing stars in NGC 2264 with CoRoT and Spitzer—evidence for multiple origins of variability
AM Cody, J Stauffer, A Baglin, G Micela, LM Rebull, E Flaccomio, ...
The Astronomical Journal 147 (4), 82, 2014
Discovery of a nearby isolated neutron star
FM Walter, SJ Wolk, R Neuhäuser
Nature 379 (6562), 233-235, 1996
Stellar activity on the young suns of Orion: COUP observations of K5-7 pre-main-sequence stars
SJ Wolk, FR Harnden Jr, E Flaccomio, G Micela, F Favata, H Shang, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 160 (2), 423, 2005
Chandra spectra of the soft X-ray diffuse background
M Markevitch, MW Bautz, B Biller, Y Butt, R Edgar, T Gaetz, G Garmire, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 583 (1), 70, 2003
A search for protoplanetary disks around naked T Tauri stars
SJ Wolk, FM Walter
Astronomical Journal v. 111, p. 2066 111, 2066, 1996
Deep Impact: Observations from a worldwide Earth-based campaign
KJ Meech, N Ageorges, MF A'Hearn, C Arpigny, A Ates, J Aycock, ...
science 310 (5746), 265-269, 2005
Chandra x-ray observation of the orion nebula cluster. II. Relationship between x-ray activity indicators and stellar parameters
E Flaccomio, F Damiani, G Micela, S Sciortino, FR Harnden Jr, SS Murray, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 582 (1), 398, 2003
The structure and evolution of young stellar clusters
L Allen, ST Megeath, R Gutermuth, PC Myers, S Wolk, FC Adams, ...
Protostars and planets V 361, 2007
Charge exchange-induced X-ray emission from Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
CM Lisse, DJ Christian, K Dennerl, KJ Meech, R Petre, HA Weaver, ...
Science 292 (5520), 1343-1348, 2001
Connecting flares and transient mass-loss events in magnetically active stars
RA Osten, SJ Wolk
The Astrophysical Journal 809 (1), 79, 2015
A deep Chandra X-ray spectrum of the accreting young star TW Hydrae
NS Brickhouse, SR Cranmer, AK Dupree, GJM Luna, S Wolk
The Astrophysical Journal 710 (2), 1835, 2010
Indications for an influence of hot Jupiters on the rotation and activity of their host stars
K Poppenhaeger, SJ Wolk
Astronomy & Astrophysics 565, L1, 2014
A combined Spitzer and Chandra survey of young stellar objects in the Serpens cloud core
E Winston, ST Megeath, SJ Wolk, J Muzerolle, R Gutermuth, JL Hora, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 669 (1), 493, 2007
Transit observations of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b at X-ray wavelengths
K Poppenhaeger, J Schmitt, SJ Wolk
The Astrophysical Journal 773 (1), 62, 2013
Photometric Identification of the Low-Mass Population of Orion OB1b. I. The σ Orionis Cluster
WH Sherry, FM Walter, SJ Wolk
The Astronomical Journal 128 (5), 2316, 2004
An introduction to the chandra carina complex project
LK Townsley, PS Broos, MF Corcoran, ED Feigelson, M Gagné, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 194 (1), 1, 2011
Spectral analysis of the Chandra comet survey
D Bodewits, DJ Christian, M Torney, M Dryer, CM Lisse, K Dennerl, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 469 (3), 1183-1195, 2007
EPOXI: Comet 103P/Hartley 2 observations from a worldwide campaign
KJ Meech, MF A’Hearn, JA Adams, P Bacci, J Bai, L Barrera, M Battelino, ...
The Astrophysical journal letters 734 (1), L1, 2011
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