Damian K Dowling
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Reactive oxygen species as universal constraints in life-history evolution
DK Dowling, LW Simmons
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1663), 1737-1745, 2009
Evolutionary implications of non-neutral mitochondrial genetic variation
DK Dowling, U Friberg, J Lindell
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 23 (10), 546-554, 2008
Experimental evidence supports a sex-specific selective sieve in mitochondrial genome evolution
P Innocenti, EH Morrow, DK Dowling
Science 332 (6031), 845-848, 2011
Mitonuclear interactions: evolutionary consequences over multiple biological scales
JN Wolff, ED Ladoukakis, JA Enríquez, DK Dowling
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
Mitochondria, maternal inheritance, and male aging
MF Camus, DJ Clancy, DK Dowling
Current Biology 22 (18), 1717-1721, 2012
Genetic architecture of metabolic rate: environment specific epistasis between mitochondrial and nuclear genes in an insect
G Arnqvist, DK Dowling, P Eady, L Gay, T Tregenza, M Tuda, DJ Hosken
Evolution 64 (12), 3354-3363, 2010
Mitochondrial replacement, evolution, and the clinic
K Reinhardt, DK Dowling, EH Morrow
Science 341 (6152), 1345-1346, 2013
Integrating mitochondrial aerobic metabolism into ecology and evolution
RE Koch, KL Buchanan, S Casagrande, O Crino, DK Dowling, GE Hill, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36 (4), 321-332, 2021
The evolution of egg rejection by cuckoo hosts in Australia and Europe
NE Langmore, RM Kilner, SHM Butchart, G Maurer, NB Davies, ...
Behavioral Ecology 16 (4), 686-692, 2005
Experimental support that natural selection has shaped the latitudinal distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes in Australian Drosophila melanogaster
MF Camus, JN Wolff, CM Sgrò, DK Dowling
Molecular Biology and Evolution 34 (10), 2600-2612, 2017
Assessing the fitness consequences of mitonuclear interactions in natural populations
GE Hill, JC Havird, DB Sloan, RS Burton, C Greening, DK Dowling
Biological Reviews 94 (3), 1089-1104, 2019
Temperature-specific outcomes of cytoplasmic-nuclear interactions on egg-to-adult development time in seed beetles
DK Dowling, KC Abiega, G Arnqvist
Evolution 61 (1), 194-201, 2007
Intergenomic Epistasis for Fitness: Within-Population Interactions Between Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Genes in Drosophila melanogaster
DK Dowling, U Friberg, F Hailer, G Arnqvist
Genetics 175 (1), 235-244, 2007
In vivo male fertility is affected by naturally occurring mitochondrial haplotypes
WKW Yee, KL Sutton, DK Dowling
Current Biology 23 (2), R55-R56, 2013
Evolutionary perspectives on the links between mitochondrial genotype and disease phenotype
DK Dowling
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1840, 1393-1403, 2014
Single nucleotides in the mtDNA sequence modify mitochondrial molecular function and are associated with sex-specific effects on fertility and aging
MF Camus, JBW Wolf, EH Morrow, DK Dowling
Current Biology 25 (20), 2717-2722, 2015
The costs of being male: are there sex-specific effects of uniparental mitochondrial inheritance?
M Beekman, DK Dowling, DK Aanen
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
Effects of vitamin E and beta‐carotene on sperm competitiveness
M Almbro, DK Dowling, LW Simmons
Ecology letters 14 (9), 891-895, 2011
A meta‐analysis of the strength and nature of cytoplasmic genetic effects
R Dobler, B Rogell, F Budar, DK Dowling
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2014
Selfish mitonuclear conflict
JC Havird, ES Forsythe, AM Williams, JH Werren, DK Dowling, DB Sloan
Current Biology 29 (11), R496-R511, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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