Evgenia I. Lysova
Evgenia I. Lysova
Associate Professor in OB at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Fostering meaningful work in organizations: A multi-level review and integration
EI Lysova, BA Allan, BJ Dik, RD Duffy, MF Steger
Journal of vocational behavior 110, 374-389, 2019
Personal branding: Interdisciplinary systematic review and research agenda
S Gorbatov, SN Khapova, EI Lysova
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2238, 2018
Does entrepreneurial leadership foster creativity among employees and teams? The mediating role of creative efficacy beliefs
W Cai, EI Lysova, SN Khapova, BAG Bossink
Journal of Business and Psychology 34, 203-217, 2019
Understanding decent work and meaningful work
DL Blustein, EI Lysova, RD Duffy
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 10 (1 …, 2023
Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture
A Smale, S Bagdadli, R Cotton, S Dello Russo, M Dickmann, A Dysvik, ...
Journal of organizational behavior 40 (1), 105-122, 2019
Servant leadership and innovative work behavior in Chinese high-tech firms: A moderated mediation model of meaningful work and job autonomy
W Cai, EI Lysova, SN Khapova, BAG Bossink
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1767, 2018
Optimizing employee creativity in the digital era: Uncovering the interactional effects of abilities, motivations, and opportunities
W Cai, S Khapova, B Bossink, E Lysova, J Yuan
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (3), 1038, 2020
Psychological capital and self‐reported employee creativity: The moderating role of supervisor support and job characteristics
W Cai, EI Lysova, BAG Bossink, SN Khapova, W Wang
Creativity and Innovation Management 28 (1), 30-41, 2019
Get noticed to get ahead: The impact of personal branding on career success
S Gorbatov, SN Khapova, EI Lysova
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2662, 2019
Examining calling as a double-edged sword for employability
EI Lysova, PGW Jansen, SN Khapova, J Plomp, M Tims
Journal of Vocational Behavior 104, 261-272, 2018
Transforming corporate social responsibilities: Toward an intellectual activist research agenda for micro-CSR research
V Girschik, L Svystunova, EI Lysova
Human relations 75 (1), 3-32, 2022
Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success
JP Briscoe, R Kaše, N Dries, A Dysvik, JA Unite, I Adeleye, M Andresen, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 130, 103612, 2021
Calling and careers: New insights and future directions
EI Lysova, BJ Dik, RD Duffy, SN Khapova, MB Arthur
Journal of Vocational Behavior 114, 1-6, 2019
Personal brand equity: Scale development and validation
S Gorbatov, SN Khapova, JK Oostrom, EI Lysova
Personnel Psychology, 2020
Change-supportive employee behavior: A career identity explanation
EI Lysova, J Richardson, SN Khapova, PGW Jansen
Career Development International 20 (1), 38-62, 2015
What enables us to better experience our work as meaningful? The importance of awareness and the social context
EI Lysova, L Fletcher, S El Baroudi
Human Relations 76 (8), 1226-1255, 2023
Enacting creative calling when established career structures are not in place: The case of the Dutch video game industry
EI Lysova, SN Khapova
Journal of Vocational Behavior 114, 31-43, 2019
Employer attractiveness from an employee perspective: A systematic literature review
A Dassler, SN Khapova, EI Lysova, K Korotov
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 858217, 2022
Careers in context: An international study of career goals as mesostructure between societies' career‐related human potential and proactive career behaviour
M Andresen, E Apospori, H Gunz, PA Suzanne, M Taniguchi, EI Lysova, ...
Human Resource Management Journal 30 (3), 365-391, 2020
The role of the spouse in managers’ family-related career sensemaking
EI Lysova, K Korotov, SN Khapova, PGW Jansen
Career Development International 20 (5), 503-524, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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