Abdulhameed Alkhateeb
Abdulhameed Alkhateeb
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, King Abdulaziz University
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Observer-based adaptive finite-time tracking control for a class of switched nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics
Y Chang, S Zhang, ND Alotaibi, AF Alkhateeb
IEEE Access 8, 204782-204790, 2020
Adaptive fuzzy hierarchical sliding mode control of uncertain under-actuated switched nonlinear systems with actuator faults
H Zhang, N Xu, G Zong, AF Alkhateeb
International Journal of Systems Science 52 (8), 1499-1514, 2021
Revolutionization in cancer therapeutics via targeting major immune checkpoints PD-1, PD-L1 and CTLA-4
P Pandey, F Khan, HA Qari, TK Upadhyay, AF Alkhateeb, M Oves
Pharmaceuticals 15 (3), 335, 2022
Adaptive fuzzy output-feedback tracking control for switched nonstrict-feedback nonlinear systems with prescribed performance
Y Wang, Y Chang, AF Alkhateeb, ND Alotaibi
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 40, 88-113, 2021
Neural network and wavelet average framing percentage energy for atrial fibrillation classification
K Daqrouq, A Alkhateeb, MN Ajour, A Morfeq
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 113 (3), 919-926, 2014
Observer-based adaptive fuzzy finite-time control design with prescribed performance for switched pure-feedback nonlinear systems
P Zhou, L Zhang, S Zhang, AF Alkhateeb
IEEE Access 9, 69481-69491, 2020
The continuous wavelet transform using for natural ECG signal arrhythmias detection by statistical parameters
RA Alharbey, S Alsubhi, K Daqrouq, A Alkhateeb
Alexandria Engineering Journal 61 (12), 9243-9248, 2022
Design and DSP implementation of a hyperchaotic map with infinite coexisting attractors and intermittent chaos based on a novel locally active memcapacitor
Y Ma, J Mou, H Jahanshahi, AF Alkhateeb, X Bi
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 173, 113708, 2023
Design of a nonlinear integral terminal sliding mode controller for a pem fuel cell based on a dc-dc boost converter
F Akter, TK Roy, MS Islam, AF Alkhateeb, MA Mollah
IEEE Access 10, 97419-97428, 2022
A hybrid approach for synchronizing between two reaction–diffusion systems of integer-and fractional-order applied on certain chemical models
B Wang, A Ouannas, Y Karaca, WF Xia, H Jahanshahi, AF Alkhateeb, ...
Fractals 30 (05), 2240145, 2022
Wavelet lpc with neural network for spoken arabic digits recognition system
K Daqrouq, M Alfaouri, A Alkhateeb, E Khalaf, A Morfeq
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology 4 (8), 1238, 2014
A novel self-learning fuzzy predictive control method for the cement mill: Simulation and experimental validation
T Ma, Z Li, J Liu, AF Alkhateeb, H Jahanshahi
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 120, 105868, 2023
Virtual reality simulator enhances ergonomics skills for neurosurgeons
H Alsharif, W Alhalabi, AF Alkhateeb, S Shihata, K Bajunaid, ...
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) 18 (1 …, 2022
Foods causing highest IgG immune response in Saudi Arabia
AF Alkhateeb
Annu Res Rev Biol 35 (3), 115-27, 2020
Wavelet LPC with neural network for speaker identification system
K Daqrouq, A Morfeq, M Ajour, A Alkhateeb
WSEAS Transactions on Signal processing 9, 216-226, 2013
Adaptive fixed-time robust control for function projective synchronization of hyperchaotic economic systems with external perturbations
S Bekiros, Q Yao, J Mou, AF Alkhateeb, H Jahanshahi
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 172, 113609, 2023
Robust hybrid nonlinear control approach for stability enhancement of a constant power load DC-DC boost converter
Z Alam, SK Ghosh, AF Alkhateeb, TK Roy, MS Islam, S Saha, MA Hussain
Alexandria Engineering Journal 74, 535-545, 2023
Surface plasmon resonance voltage sensor based on a liquid crystal-infiltrated hollow fiber
MS Islam, MA Mollah, AF Alkhateeb, W Zouch, S Alghamdi
Optical Materials Express 12 (12), 4630-4642, 2022
Use of evolutionary algorithms in a fractional framework to prevent the spread of coronavirus
BO Wang, H Jahanshahi, Y Karaca, S Bekiros, WF Xia, AF Alkhateeb, ...
Fractals 30 (05), 2240146, 2022
Plasmonic sensor based on microstructure PCF: performance analysis with outside detecting approach
LF Abdulrazak, MB Hossain, MS Islam, AF Alkhateeb, IM Mehedi, S Roy, ...
Optical and Quantum Electronics 54 (1), 58, 2022
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