Andrea Idini
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Ab initio optical potentials and nucleon scattering on medium mass nuclei
A Idini, C Barbieri, P Navrátil
Physical review letters 123, 092501, 2019
Cooper pair transfer in nuclei
G Potel, A Idini, F Barranco, E Vigezzi, RA Broglia
Reports on Progress in Physics 76 (106301), 2013
Calculation of the Transition from Pairing Vibrational to Pairing Rotational Regimes between Magic Nuclei^{100} Sn and^{132} Sn via Two-Nucleon Transfer Reactions
G Potel, F Barranco, F Marini, A Idini, E Vigezzi, RA Broglia
Physical Review Letters 107 (9), 92501, 2011
White paper: from bound states to the continuum
CW Johnson, KD Launey, N Auerbach, S Bacca, BR Barrett, CR Brune, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 47 (12), 123001, 2020
Discovery of exceptionally strong nuclear transition sheds new light on the fate of intermediate-mass stars
OS Kirsebom, S Jones, DF Strömberg, G Martínez-Pinedo, K Langanke, ...
Phys Rev Lett 123, 262701, 2019
Quasiparticle renormalization and pairing correlations in spherical superfluid nuclei
A Idini, F Barranco, E Vigezzi
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (1), 014331, 2012
Optical potentials for the rare-isotope beam era
C Hebborn, FM Nunes, G Potel, WH Dickhoff, JW Holt, MC Atkinson, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50 (6), 060501, 2023
Quantitative study of coherent pairing modes with two-neutron transfer: Sn isotopes
G Potel, A Idini, F Barranco, E Vigezzi, RA Broglia
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (5), 054321, 2013
Nonlocal energy density functionals for pairing and beyond-mean-field calculations
K Bennaceur, A Idini, J Dobaczewski, P Dobaczewski, M Kortelainen, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 44 (4), 045106, 2017
Interweaving of elementary modes of excitation in superfluid nuclei through particle-vibration coupling: Quantitative account of the variety of nuclear structure observables
A Idini, G Potel, F Barranco, E Vigezzi, RA Broglia
Physical Review C 92 (3), 031304, 2015
Solution of universal nonrelativistic nuclear DFT equations in the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis.(IX) HFODD (v3. 06h): a new version of the program
J Dobaczewski, P Bączyk, P Becker, M Bender, K Bennaceur, J Bonnard, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 48 (10), 102001, 2021
Unified description of structure and reactions: implementing the nuclear field theory program
RA Broglia, PF Bortignon, F Barranco, E Vigezzi, A Idini, G Potel
Physica Scripta 91 (6), 063012, 2016
Model nuclear energy density functionals derived from ab initio calculations
G Salvioni, J Dobaczewski, C Barbieri, G Carlsson, A Idini, A Pastore
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 47 (8), 085107, 2020
Ab initio optical potentials and nucleon scattering on medium mass nuclei
A Idini, C Barbieri, P Navrátil
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 981 (1), 012005, 2018
Nuclear spectra from low-energy interactions
J Ljungberg, BG Carlsson, J Rotureau, A Idini, I Ragnarsson
Physical Review C 106 (1), 014314, 2022
Examination of the sensitivity of quasifree reactions to details of the bound-state overlap functions
CA Bertulani, A Idini, C Barbieri
Physical Review C 104 (6), L061602, 2021
Separation of the 1+/1− parity doublet in 20Ne
J Beller, C Stumpf, M Scheck, N Pietralla, D Deleanu, DM Filipescu, ...
Physics Letters B 741, 128-133, 2015
Statistical learnability of nuclear masses
A Idini
Physical Review Research, 2020 2, 043363, 2020
Pygmy resonances: what’s in a name?
RA Broglia, F Barranco, A Idini, G Potel, E Vigezzi
Physica Scripta 94 (11), 114002, 2019
From bare to renormalized order parameter in gauge space: Structure and reactions
G Potel, A Idini, F Barranco, E Vigezzi, RA Broglia
Physical Review C 96 (3), 034606, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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