Zeljko Djurovic
Zeljko Djurovic
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Robust estimation with unknown noise statistics
ZM Durovic, BD Kovacevic
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 44 (6), 1292-1296, 1999
Classification of EEG signals for detection of epileptic seizures based on wavelets and statistical pattern recognition
D Gajic, Z Djurovic, S Di Gennaro, F Gustafsson
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications 26 (02), 1450021, 2014
Detection of epileptiform activity in EEG signals based on time-frequency and non-linear analysis
D Gajic, Z Djurovic, J Gligorijevic, S Di Gennaro, I Savic-Gajic
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 9, 38, 2015
Drought classification in Northern Serbia based on SPI and statistical pattern recognition
R Stricevic, N Djurovic, Z Djurovic
Meteorological applications 18 (1), 60-69, 2011
On robust Kalman filtering
B Kovačević, Ž Đurović, S Glavaški
International Journal of Control 56 (3), 547-562, 1992
Consensus based overlapping decentralized fault detection and isolation
S Stanković, N Ilić, Ž Djurović, M Stanković, KH Johansson
2010 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol), 570-575, 2010
A new approach to detection of defects in rolling element bearings based on statistical pattern recognition
P Stepanic, IV Latinovic, Z Djurovic
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 45, 91-100, 2009
Fundamentals of stochastic signals, systems and estimation theory with worked examples
B Kovačević, Ž Đurović
Springer, 2008
Control of thermal power plant combustion distribution using extremum seeking
A Marjanović, M Krstić, Ž Ðurović, B Kovačević
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25 (5), 1670-1682, 2016
Ground surveillance radar target classification based on fuzzy logic approach
M Andric, Z Durovic, B Zrnic
EUROCON 2005-The International Conference on" Computer as a Tool" 2, 1390-1392, 2005
Particle filtering for sensor fault diagnosis and identification in nonlinear plants
P Tadić, Ž Ðurović
Journal of Process Control 24 (4), 401-409, 2014
Sensor fault detection and isolation in a thermal power plant steam separator
NAA Shashoa, G Kvaščev, A Marjanović, Ž Djurović
Control engineering practice 21 (7), 908-916, 2013
Adaptive Doppler–Kalman filter for radar systems
VD Papic, ZM Djurović, BD Kovacevic
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 153 (3), 379-387, 2006
Primary control reserve of electric power by feedwater flow rate change through an additional economizer–A case study of the thermal power plant “Nikola Tesla B”
VD Stevanovic, M Ilic, Z Djurovic, T Wala, S Muszynski, I Gajic
Energy 147, 782-798, 2018
Application of T2 Control Charts and Hidden Markov Models in Condition‐Based Maintenance at Thermoelectric Power Plants
E Kisić, Ž Đurović, B Kovačević, V Petrović
Shock and Vibration 2015 (1), 960349, 2015
Neural network ensemble for power transformers fault detection
D Furundzic, Z Djurovic, V Celebic, I Salom
11th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, 247-251, 2012
Fuzzy logic controller for bidirectional garaging of a differential drive mobile robot
ST Mitrović, ŽM Ðurović
Advanced Robotics 24 (8-9), 1291-1311, 2010
QQ-plot based probability density function estimation
Z Djurovic, B Kovacevic, V Barroso
Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array …, 2000
Fan mill state estimation based on acoustic signature analysis
S Vujnovic, Z Djurovic, G Kvascev
Control engineering practice 57, 29-38, 2016
Target tracking with two passive infrared non-imaging sensors
ZM Djurovic, BD Kovacevic, GD Dikic
IET signal processing 3 (3), 177-188, 2009
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20