Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Xiaomin XuUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 11
Aromatic saddles containing two heptagons
KY Cheung, X Xu, Q Miao
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (11), 3910-3914, 2015
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Surface polarity and self-structured nanogrooves collaboratively oriented molecular packing for high crystallinity toward efficient charge transport
D Ji, X Xu, L Jiang, S Amirjalayer, L Jiang, Y Zhen, Y Zou, Y Yao, H Dong, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (7), 2734-2740, 2017
Mandati: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Monolayer field‐effect transistors of nonplanar organic semiconductors with brickwork arrangement
L Shan, D Liu, H Li, X Xu, B Shan, JB Xu, Q Miao
Advanced Materials 27 (22), 3418-3423, 2015
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Ambipolar organic semiconductors from electron-accepting cyclopenta-fused anthracene
H Xia, D Liu, X Xu, Q Miao
Chemical Communications 49 (39), 4301-4303, 2013
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Synthesis, Molecular Packing, and Thin Film Transistors of Dibenzo[a,m]rubicenes
X Gu, X Xu, H Li, Z Liu, Q Miao
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (51), 16203-16208, 2015
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Extension of N‐Heteroacenes through a Four‐Membered Ring
S Yang, B Shan, X Xu, Q Miao
Chemistry–A European Journal 22 (19), 6637-6642, 2016
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Synthesis, solution-processed thin film transistors and solid solutions of silylethynylated diazatetracenes
X Xu, B Shan, S Kalytchuk, M Xie, S Yang, D Liu, SV Kershaw, Q Miao
Chemical Communications 50 (85), 12828-12831, 2014
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
A Self-Limited Atomic Layer Deposition of WS2 Based on the Chemisorption and Reduction of Bis(t-butylimino)bis(dimethylamino) Complexes
Y Wu, MH Raza, YC Chen, P Amsalem, S Wahl, K Skrodczky, X Xu, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (6), 1881-1890, 2019
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Flexible organic photodetectors and their use in wearable systems
H Guo, S Saifi, K Fukuda, HM Cheng, Z Lou, X Xu
Digital Signal Processing 125, 103145, 2022
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Flexible organic photodetector for real-time underwater optical wireless video transmission
Z Wang, Z Lou, X Xu, Z Wei, G Wei, HY Fu
2021 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 1-3, 2021
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Gate-Switchable Molecular Diffusion on a Graphene Field-Effect Transistor
F Liou, HZ Tsai, ZAH Goodwin, Y Yang, AS Aikawa, BRP Angeles, ...
ACS nano 18 (35), 24262-24268, 2024
Mandati: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Disponibili pubblicamente: 26
Ultrathin hydrogel films toward breathable skin‐integrated electronics
S Cheng, Z Lou, L Zhang, H Guo, Z Wang, C Guo, K Fukuda, S Ma, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (1), 2206793, 2023
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Thermally stable, highly efficient, ultraflexible organic photovoltaics
X Xu, K Fukuda, A Karki, S Park, H Kimura, H Jinno, N Watanabe, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (18), 4589-4594, 2018
Mandati: US Department of Defense
Growth of Nb-Doped Monolayer WS2 by Liquid-Phase Precursor Mixing
Z Qin, L Loh, J Wang, X Xu, Q Zhang, B Haas, C Alvarez, H Okuno, ...
ACS nano 13 (9), 10768-10775, 2019
Mandati: German Research Foundation, National Research Foundation, Singapore
Self‐Assembled Monolayers of Phosphonic Acids with Enhanced Surface Energy for High‐Performance Solution‐Processed N‐Channel Organic Thin‐Film Transistors
D Liu, X Xu, Y Su, Z He, J Xu, Q Miao
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (24), 6222-6227, 2013
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
A highly sensitive triboelectric vibration sensor for machinery condition monitoring
H Zhao, M Shu, Z Ai, Z Lou, KW Sou, C Lu, Y Jin, Z Wang, J Wang, C Wu, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (37), 2201132, 2022
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Freestanding and Sandwich MXene-Based Cathode with Suppressed Lithium Polysulfides Shuttle for Flexible Lithium–Sulfur Batteries
X Zhong, D Wang, J Sheng, Z Han, C Sun, J Tan, R Gao, W Lv, X Xu, ...
Nano Letters 22, 1207−1216, 2022
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Demonstration of the key substrate-dependent charge transfer mechanisms between monolayer MoS2 and molecular dopants
S Park, T Schultz, X Xu, B Wegner, A Aljarb, A Han, LJ Li, VC Tung, ...
Communications Physics 2 (1), 109, 2019
Mandati: US Department of Energy, German Research Foundation
Solution-processed ambipolar organic thin-film transistors by blending p-and n-type semiconductors: solid solution versus microphase separation
X Xu, T Xiao, X Gu, X Yang, SV Kershaw, N Zhao, J Xu, Q Miao
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (51), 28019-28026, 2015
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
High-Performance Waveguide-Integrated Bi2O2Se Photodetector for Si Photonic Integrated Circuits
J Wu, M Wei, J Mu, H Ma, C Zhong, Y Ye, C Sun, B Tang, L Wang, J Li, ...
ACS nano 15 (10), 15982-15991, 2021
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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