Alessia Amelio
Alessia Amelio
Associate Professor at Department InGeo University of Chieti-Pescara
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Is normalized mutual information a fair measure for comparing community detection methods?
A Amelio, C Pizzuti
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in …, 2015
Ensemble-based community detection in multilayer networks
A Tagarelli, A Amelio, F Gullo
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 31, 1506-1543, 2017
Overlapping community discovery methods: a survey
A Amelio, C Pizzuti
Social networks: Analysis and case studies, 105-125, 2014
Community detection in multidimensional networks
A Amelio, C Pizzuti
2014 IEEE 26th international conference on tools with artificial …, 2014
Evaluating museum virtual tours: the case study of Italy
K Kabassi, A Amelio, V Komianos, K Oikonomou
Information 10 (11), 351, 2019
Correction for closeness: Adjusting normalized mutual information measure for clustering comparison
A Amelio, C Pizzuti
Computational Intelligence 33 (3), 579-601, 2017
Community mining in signed networks: a multiobjective approach
A Amelio, C Pizzuti
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in …, 2013
Representation and compression of Residual Neural Networks through a multilayer network based approach
A Amelio, G Bonifazi, F Cauteruccio, E Corradini, M Marchetti, D Ursino, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 215, 119391, 2023
Machine learning models for ecological footprint prediction based on energy parameters
R Janković, I Mihajlović, N Štrbac, A Amelio
Neural Computing and Applications 33, 7073-7087, 2021
A genetic algorithm for color image segmentation
A Amelio, C Pizzuti
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 16th European Conference …, 2013
Language discrimination by texture analysis of the image corresponding to the text
D Brodić, A Amelio, ZN Milivojević
Neural Computing and Applications 29, 151-172, 2018
Defining a deep neural network ensemble for identifying fabric colors
A Amelio, G Bonifazi, E Corradini, S Di Saverio, M Marchetti, D Ursino, ...
Applied Soft Computing 130, 109687, 2022
Data mining: clustering
A Amelio, A Tagarelli
Encyclopedia of bioinformatics and computational biology, 437-48, 2018
Classification of the extremely low frequency magnetic field radiation measurement from the laptop computers
D Brodić, A Amelio
Measurement Science Review 15 (4), 202-209, 2015
Consensus community detection in multilayer networks using parameter-free graph pruning
D Mandaglio, A Amelio, A Tagarelli
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 193-205, 2018
Evolutionary clustering for mining and tracking dynamic multilayer networks
A Amelio, C Pizzuti
Computational Intelligence 33 (2), 181-209, 2017
Exploring the influence of CAPTCHA types to the users response time by statistical analysis
D Brodić, A Amelio, R Janković
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 12293-12329, 2018
An evolutionary and local refinement approach for community detection in signed networks
A Amelio, C Pizzuti
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 25 (04), 1650021, 2016
Clustering documents in evolving languages by image texture analysis
D Brodić, A Amelio, ZN Milivojević
Applied Intelligence 46 (4), 916-933, 2017
Detecting of the extremely low frequency magnetic field ranges for laptop in normal operating condition or under stress
D Brodić, A Amelio
Measurement 91, 318-341, 2016
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20