Teguh Muttaqie
Teguh Muttaqie
Research Center for Testing Technology and Standard, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
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Experimental investigations on the failure modes of ring-stiffened cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure
SR Cho, T Muttaqie, QT Do, S Kim, SM Kim, DH Han
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 10 (6 …, 2018
Dynamic lateral mass impact on steel stringer-stiffened cylinders
QT Do, T Muttaqie, HK Shin, SR Cho
International Journal of Impact Engineering 116, 105-126, 2018
Numerical studies of the failure modes of ring-stiffened cylinders under hydrostatic pressure
T Muttaqie
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 70 (4), 431-443, 2019
Ultimate strength formulation considering failure mode interactions of ring-stiffened cylinders subjected to hydrostatic pressure
SR Cho, T Muttaqie, QT Do, HY So, JM Sohn
Ocean Engineering 161, 242-256, 2018
Ultimate strength of intact and dented steel stringer-stiffened cylinders under hydrostatic pressure
QT Do, T Muttaqie, SH Park, HK Shin, SR Cho
Thin-Walled Structures 132, 442-460, 2018
Residual ultimate strength assessment of submarine pressure hull under dynamic ship collision
QT Do, T Muttaqie, PT Nhut, MT Vu, ND Khoa, AR Prabowo
Ocean Engineering 266, 112951, 2022
Experimental study on ultimate strength of steel-welded ring-stiffened conical shell under external hydrostatic pressure
SR Cho, T Muttaqie, QT Do, SH Park, SM Kim, HY So, JM Sohn
Marine Structures 67, 102634, 2019
Assessment of ballistic impact damage on aluminum and magnesium alloys against high velocity bullets by dynamic FE simulations
FHA Alwan, AR Prabowo, T Muttaqie, N Muhayat, R Ridwan, FB Laksono
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials 31 (1), 595-616, 2022
Predicting the collision damage of steel ring-stiffened cylinders and their residual strength under hydrostatic pressure
QT Do, T Muttaqie, SH Park, HK Shin, SR Cho
Ocean Engineering 169, 326-343, 2018
Investigation of honeycomb sandwich panel structure using aluminum alloy (AL6XN) material under blast loading
DTA Ansori, AR Prabowo, T Muttaqie, N Muhayat, FB Laksono, ...
Civil Engineering Journal 8 (5), 1046-1068, 2022
Nonlinear analysis of inter-island roro under impact: Effects of selected collision’s parameters on the crashworthy double-side structures
AR Prabowo, T Muttaqie, JM Sohn, DM Bae
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 40, 1-21, 2018
Investigation on structural component behaviours of double bottom arrangement under grounding accidents
AR Prabowo, T Muttaqie, JM Sohn, BIR Harsritanto
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 9 (1), 50-59, 2019
Hollow tube structures subjected to compressive loading: implementation of the pitting corrosion effect in nonlinear FE analysis
AA Pratama, AR Prabowo, T Muttaqie, N Muhayat, R Ridwan, B Cao, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 45 …, 2023
Ultimate strength assessment of steel-welded hemispheres under external hydrostatic pressure
SR Cho, T Muttaqie, SH Lee, J Paek, JM Sohn
Journal of Marine Science and Application 19, 615-633, 2020
Implosion tests of aluminium-alloy ring-stiffened cylinders subjected to external hydrostatic pressure
T Muttaqie, SH Park, JM Sohn, SR Cho, IS Nho, S Han, YS Cho
Marine Structures 78, 102980, 2021
Navigating challenges on the path to net zero emissions: a comprehensive review of wind turbine technology for implementation in Indonesia
YF Kusuma, AP Fuadi, B Al Hakim, C Sasmito, ACPT Nugroho, ...
Results in Engineering, 102008, 2024
Experimental investigations on the implosion characteristics of thin cylindrical aluminium-alloy tubes
T Muttaqie, SH Park, JM Sohn, SR Cho, IS Nho, S Han, PS Lee, YS Cho
International Journal of Solids and Structures 200, 64-82, 2020
On the failure behaviour to striking bow penetration of impacted marine-steel structures
AR Prabowo, T Muttaqie, JM Sohn, DM Bae, A Setiyawan
Curved and Layered Structures 5 (1), 68-79, 2018
Design of the Bengawan unmanned vehicle (UV) roboboat: Mandakini Neo
H Nubli, FS Utomo, H Diatmaja, AR Prabowo, U Ubaidillah, DD Susilo, ...
Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika 21 (2), 64-74, 2022
Evaluation of high-tensile steel using nonlinear analysis: Experiment-FE materials benchmarking of LNG carrier structures under low-temperature conditions
S Suryanto, AR Prabowo, T Muttaqie, I Istanto, R Adiputra, N Muhayat, ...
Energy reports 9, 149-161, 2023
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