Edoardo Di Napoli
Edoardo Di Napoli
Lead Scientist, Juelich Supercomputing Centre
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Efficient estimation of eigenvalue counts in an interval
E Di Napoli, E Polizzi, Y Saad
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 23 (4), 674-692, 2016
High-performance functional renormalization group calculations for interacting fermions
J Lichtenstein, DS de la Peña, D Rohe, E Di Napoli, C Honerkamp, ...
Computer Physics Communications 213, 100-110, 2017
Towards an efficient use of the BLAS library for multilinear tensor contractions
E Di Napoli, D Fabregat-Traver, G Quintana-Ortí, P Bientinesi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 235, 454-468, 2014
Dissecting the FEAST algorithm for generalized eigenproblems
L Krämer, E Di Napoli, M Galgon, B Lang, P Bientinesi
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 244, 1-9, 2013
ChASE: Chebyshev Accelerated Subspace iteration Eigensolver for sequences of Hermitian eigenvalue problems
J Winkelmann, P Springer, ED Napoli
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 45 (2), 1-34, 2019
Methodology for determining the electronic thermal conductivity of metals via direct nonequilibrium ab initio molecular dynamics
SY Yue, X Zhang, S Stackhouse, G Qin, E Di Napoli, M Hu
Physical Review B 94 (7), 075149, 2016
Block iterative eigensolvers for sequences of correlated eigenvalue problems
E Di Napoli, M Berljafa
Computer physics communications 184 (11), 2478-2488, 2013
Correlations in sequences of generalized eigenproblems arising in Density Functional Theory
E Di Napoli, S Blügel, P Bientinesi
Computer physics communications 183 (8), 1674-1682, 2012
Solving dense generalized eigenproblems on multi-threaded architectures
JI Aliaga, P Bientinesi, D Davidović, E Di Napoli, FD Igual, ...
Applied mathematics and computation 218 (22), 11279-11289, 2012
A modified Ising model of Barabási–Albert network with gene-type spins
J Krishnan, R Torabi, A Schuppert, ED Napoli
Journal of mathematical biology 81, 769-798, 2020
An optimized and scalable eigensolver for sequences of eigenvalue problems
M Berljafa, D Wortmann, E Di Napoli
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (4), 905-922, 2015
Kerker mixing scheme for self-consistent muffin-tin based all-electron electronic structure calculations
M Winkelmann, E Di Napoli, D Wortmann, S Blügel
Physical Review B 102 (19), 195138, 2020
Chiral rings of deconstructive [SU (nc)] Nquivers
E Di Napoli, VS Kaplunovsky, J Sonnenschein
Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (06), 060, 2004
The LAPW method with eigendecomposition based on the Hari--Zimmermann generalized hyperbolic SVD
S Singer, ED Napoli, V Novakovic, G Caklovic
SIAM journal on scientific computing 42 (5), C265-C293, 2020
Perfect detection of spikes in the linear sub-threshold dynamics of point neurons
J Krishnan, PGL Porta Mana, M Helias, M Diesmann, E Di Napoli
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 11, 75, 2018
Solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation on massively parallel architectures
X Zhang, S Achilles, J Winkelmann, R Haas, A Schleife, E Di Napoli
Computer physics communications 267, 108081, 2021
Non-linear least-squares optimization of rational filters for the solution of interior hermitian eigenvalue problems
J Winkelmann, E Di Napoli
Frontiers in applied mathematics and statistics 5, 5, 2019
Can quantum de Sitter space have finite entropy?
C Krishnan, E Di Napoli
Classical and quantum gravity 24 (13), 3457, 2007
Anomaly cancellation and conformality in quiver gauge theories
E Di Napoli, PH Frampton
Physics Letters B 638 (4), 374-381, 2006
High-performance generation of the Hamiltonian and Overlap matrices in FLAPW methods
E Di Napoli, E Peise, M Hrywniak, P Bientinesi
Computer physics communications 211, 61-72, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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