Michael Brecht
Michael Brecht
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
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Map plasticity in somatosensory cortex
DE Feldman, M Brecht
Science 310 (5749), 810-815, 2005
Functional architecture of the mystacial vibrissae
M Brecht, B Preilowski, MM Merzenich
Behavioural brain research 84 (1-2), 81-97, 1997
Temporal binding, binocular rivalry, and consciousness
AK Engel, P Fries, P König, M Brecht, W Singer
Consciousness and cognition 8 (2), 128-151, 1999
In vivo, low-resistance, whole-cell recordings from neurons in the anaesthetized and awake mammalian brain
TW Margrie, M Brecht, B Sakmann
Pflügers Archiv 444, 491-498, 2002
Lentivirus-based genetic manipulations of cortical neurons and their optical and electrophysiological monitoring in vivo
T Dittgen, A Nimmerjahn, S Komai, P Licznerski, J Waters, TW Margrie, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (52), 18206-18211, 2004
Behavioural report of single neuron stimulation in somatosensory cortex
AR Houweling, M Brecht
Nature 451 (7174), 65-68, 2008
Whisker movements evoked by stimulation of single pyramidal cells in rat motor cortex
M Brecht, M Schneider, B Sakmann, TW Margrie
Nature 427 (6976), 704-710, 2004
Barrel cortex function
D Feldmeyer, M Brecht, F Helmchen, CCH Petersen, JFA Poulet, ...
Progress in neurobiology 103, 3-27, 2013
‐Dynamic representation of whisker deflection by synaptic potentials in spiny stellate and pyramidal cells in the barrels and septa of layer 4 rat somatosensory cortex
M Brecht, B Sakmann
The Journal of physiology 543 (1), 49-70, 2002
Dynamic receptive fields of reconstructed pyramidal cells in layers 3 and 2 of rat somatosensory barrel cortex
M Brecht, A Roth, B Sakmann
The Journal of physiology 553 (1), 243-265, 2003
Intracellular determinants of hippocampal CA1 place and silent cell activity in a novel environment
J Epsztein, M Brecht, AK Lee
Neuron 70 (1), 109-120, 2011
Role of the temporal domain for response selection and perceptual binding.
AK Engel, PR Roelfsema, P Fries, M Brecht, W Singer
Cerebral cortex (New York, NY: 1991) 7 (6), 571-582, 1997
Whole-cell recordings in freely moving rats
AK Lee, ID Manns, B Sakmann, M Brecht
Neuron 51 (4), 399-407, 2006
Targeted whole-cell recordings in the mammalian brain in vivo
TW Margrie, AH Meyer, A Caputi, H Monyer, MT Hasan, AT Schaefer, ...
Neuron 39 (6), 911-918, 2003
Organization of rat vibrissa motor cortex and adjacent areas according to cytoarchitectonics, microstimulation, and intracellular stimulation of identified cells
M Brecht, A Krauss, S Muhammad, L Sinai‐Esfahani, S Bellanca, ...
Journal of Comparative Neurology 479 (4), 360-373, 2004
Sub‐and suprathreshold receptive field properties of pyramidal neurones in layers 5A and 5B of rat somatosensory barrel cortex
ID Manns, B Sakmann, M Brecht
The Journal of physiology 556 (2), 601-622, 2004
Barrel cortex and whisker-mediated behaviors
M Brecht
Current opinion in neurobiology 17 (4), 408-416, 2007
Sparse and powerful cortical spikes
J Wolfe, AR Houweling, M Brecht
Current opinion in neurobiology 20 (3), 306-312, 2010
Grid-layout and theta-modulation of layer 2 pyramidal neurons in medial entorhinal cortex
S Ray, R Naumann, A Burgalossi, Q Tang, H Schmidt, M Brecht
Science 343 (6173), 891-896, 2014
Correlation analysis of corticotectal interactions in the cat visual system
M Brecht, W Singer, AK Engel
Journal of neurophysiology 79 (5), 2394-2407, 1998
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20