Mamun Miah
Mamun Miah
Project Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
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EQSIM—A multidisciplinary framework for fault-to-structure earthquake simulations on exascale computers part I: Computational models and workflow
D McCallen, A Petersson, A Rodgers, A Pitarka, M Miah, F Petrone, ...
Earthquake Spectra 37 (2), 707-735, 2021
EQSIM—A multidisciplinary framework for fault-to-structure earthquake simulations on exascale computers, part II: Regional simulations of building response
D McCallen, F Petrone, M Miah, A Pitarka, A Rodgers, N Abrahamson
Earthquake Spectra 37 (2), 736-761, 2021
Validation of (not‐historical) large‐event near‐fault ground‐motion simulations for use in civil engineering applications
F Petrone, N Abrahamson, D McCallen, M Miah
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 50 (1), 116-134, 2021
Toward exascale earthquake ground motion simulations for near-fault engineering analysis
H Johansen, A Rodgers, NA Petersson, D McCallen, B Sjogreen, M Miah
Computing in Science & Engineering 19 (5), 27-37, 2017
Physics-based hazard assessment for critical structures near large earthquake sources
L Hutchings, A Mert, Y Fahjan, T Novikova, A Golara, M Miah, E Fergany, ...
Best practices in physics-based fault rupture models for seismic hazard …, 2018
The earthquake simulation (EQSIM) framework for physics-based fault-to-structure simulations
D Mccallen, NA Petersson, A Rodgers, M Miah, A Pitarka, F Petrone, ...
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2020
Four canonical steel moment frame buildings and inter-code comparisons of nonlinear building response
S Wu, M Miah, D McCallen
Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research Center Report CCEER, 19-05, 2018
Regional-scale fault-to-structure earthquake simulations with the EQSIM framework: Workflow maturation and computational performance on GPU-accelerated exascale platforms
D McCallen, A Pitarka, H Tang, R Pankajakshan, NA Petersson, M Miah, ...
Earthquake Spectra 40 (3), 1615-1652, 2024
Development of a hydro-geomechanical model to simulate coupled fluid flow and reservoir geomechanics
M Miah, L Blanco-Martín, W Foxall, J Rutqvist, AP Rinaldi, C Mullen
Proceedings of the TOUGH Symposium, 2015
Simulation‐based characterization of the variability of earthquake risk to buildings in the near‐field
M Miah, D McCallen, A Pitarka, F Petrone
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 53 (1), 237-260, 2024
Regional scale earthquake risk estimation based on broadband ground motion simulations
DMC M. Miah, F. Petrone, J. Wong
Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2018
Development of a dynamic coupled hydro-geomechanical code and its application to induced seismicity
MM Miah
Multi-hazard risk analysis and resilience indices for critical facilities on the main campus of the University of Mississippi
M Miah, K Bethay, C Mullen
Homeland Security Rev. 8, 79, 2014
Verification of Earthquake Simulation Capabilities for Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Floating Seismic Isolation Systems
M Tabbakhha, D McCallen, M Miah, J Nie, W Wang, V Graizer, J Pires, ...
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 88513, V005T08A008, 2024
Transformational Regional-Scale Earthquake Simulations with the DOE EarthQuake SIMulation (EQSIM) Exascale Framework
D McCallen, A Pitarka, H Tang, R Pankajakshan, NA Petersson, M Miah
Computing in Science & Engineering, 2024
On the utilization of synthetic and measured earthquake ground motions for designing building monitoring systems in the near-field of major faults
F Petrone, D McCallen, M Çelebi, M MIAH
Structural Health Monitoring 2019, 2019
HPC Simulations of Broadband Near-Fault Ground Motions for Engineering Applications
A Rodgers, NA Petersson, A Pitarka, M Miah, D McCallen, B Jeremic
Physics-Based Source-Model for Broadband, Source and Site Specific Strong Ground Motion Synthesis Applied to Probabilistic Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis
L Hutchings, T Novikova, A Mert, A Golara, W Foxall, M Miah, Y Fahjan
Seismology Contributions: Earthquake Ground Motions and Engineering Seismology I Posters
D Mikesell, LM Warren, M Miah
2017 AGU Fall Meeting, 2017
Hazard-to-Risk: High-Performance Computing Simulations of Large Earthquake Ground Motions and Building Damage in the Near-Fault Region
M Miah, AJ Rodgers, D McCallen, NA Petersson, A Pitarka
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, S41B-0748, 2017
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Articoli 1–20