Aldo Fiori
Aldo Fiori
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Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective
G Blöschl, MFP Bierkens, A Chambel, C Cudennec, G Destouni, A Fiori, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 64 (10), 1141-1158, 2019
Catchment travel time distributions and water flow in soils
A Rinaldo, KJ Beven, E Bertuzzo, L Nicotina, J Davies, A Fiori, D Russo, ...
Water resources research 47 (7), 2011
Concentration fluctuations in aquifer transport: A rigorous first-order solution and applications
A Fiori, G Dagan
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 45 (1-2), 139-163, 2000
Finite Peclet extensions of Dagan's solutions to transport in anisotropic heterogeneous formations
A Fiori
Water Resources Research 32 (1), 193-198, 1996
Impact of climate change on the hydrology of upper Tiber River Basin using bias corrected regional climate model
BM Fiseha, SG Setegn, AM Melesse, E Volpi, A Fiori
Water Resources Management 28, 1327-1343, 2014
Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations: 1. Conceptual framework and validity of first‐order approximations
G Dagan, A Fiori, I Janković
Water Resources Research 39 (9), 2003
The influence of pore‐scale dispersion on concentration statistical moments in transport through heterogeneous aquifers
G Dagan, A Fiori
Water Resources Research 33 (7), 1595-1605, 1997
Modeling flow and transport in highly heterogeneous three‐dimensional aquifers: Ergodicity, Gaussianity, and anomalous behavior—1. Conceptual issues and numerical simulations
I Janković, A Fiori, G Dagan
Water Resources Research 42 (6), 2006
Design event selection in bivariate hydrological frequency analysis
E Volpi, A Fiori
Hydrological Sciences Journal 57 (8), 1506-1515, 2012
Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations: 3. Numerical simulations and comparison with theoretical results
I Janković, A Fiori, G Dagan
Water Resources Research 39 (9), 2003
Steady flow toward wells in heterogeneous formations: Mean head and equivalent conductivity
P Indelman, A Fiori, G Dagan
Water Resources Research 32 (7), 1975-1983, 1996
Is unique scaling of aquifer macrodispersivity supported by field data?
A Zech, S Attinger, V Cvetkovic, G Dagan, P Dietrich, A Fiori, Y Rubin, ...
Water resources research 51 (9), 7662-7679, 2015
Hydraulic structures subject to bivariate hydrological loads: Return period, design, and risk assessment
E Volpi, A Fiori
Water Resources Research 50 (2), 885-897, 2014
One hundred years of return period: Strengths and limitations
E Volpi, A Fiori, S Grimaldi, F Lombardo, D Koutsoyiannis
Water Resources Research 51 (10), 8570-8585, 2015
Effective conductivity of an isotropic heterogeneous medium of lognormal conductivity distribution
I Jankovic, A Fiori, G Dagan
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 1 (1), 40-56, 2003
Travel time distribution in a hillslope: Insight from numerical simulations
A Fiori, D Russo
Water Resources Research 44 (12), 2008
On preferential flow, channeling and connectivity in heterogeneous porous formations
A Fiori, I Jankovic
Mathematical Geosciences 44, 133-145, 2012
Concentration fluctuations in transport by groundwater: Comparison between theory and field experiments
A Fiori, G Dagan
Water resources research 35 (1), 105-112, 1999
Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations: 2. Semianalytical results for isotropic media
A Fiori, I Janković, G Dagan
Water resources research 39 (9), 2003
Upscaling of flow in heterogeneous porous formations: Critical examination and issues of principle
G Dagan, A Fiori, I Jankovic
Advances in water resources 51, 67-85, 2013
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