Jun Wen
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COVID-19: potential effects on Chinese citizens’ lifestyle and travel
J Wen, M Kozak, S Yang, F Liu
Tourism Review 76 (1), 74-87, 2021
Effects of COVID-19 on hotel marketing and management: a perspective article
Y Jiang, J Wen
International journal of contemporary hospitality management 32 (8), 2563-2573, 2020
Mental health consequences of COVID-19 media coverage: the need for effective crisis communication practices
Z Su, D McDonnell, J Wen, M Kozak, J Abbas, S Šegalo, X Li, J Ahmad, ...
Globalization and health 17, 1-8, 2021
The effects of misleading media reports about COVID-19 on Chinese tourists’ mental health: a perspective article
Y Zheng, E Goh, J Wen
Anatolia 31 (2), 337-340, 2020
Effects of misleading media coverage on public health crisis: a case of the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in China
J Wen, J Aston, X Liu, T Ying
Anatolia 31 (2), 331-336, 2020
Many brains are better than one: the importance of interdisciplinary studies on COVID-19 in and beyond tourism
J Wen, W Wang, M Kozak, X Liu, H Hou
Tourism Recreation Research 46 (2), 310-313, 2021
Seeing the invisible hand: Underlying effects of COVID-19 on tourists’ behavioral patterns
Z Li, S Zhang, X Liu, M Kozak, J Wen
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 18, 100502, 2020
The influence of crisis on tourists’ perceived destination image and revisit intention: An exploratory study of Chinese tourists to North Korea
F Li, J Wen, T Ying
Journal of destination marketing & management 9, 104-111, 2018
Coloring the destination: The role of color psychology on Instagram
CE Yu, SY Xie, J Wen
Tourism Management 80, 104110, 2020
Rethinking game consumption in tourism: a case of the 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in China
T Ying, K Wang, X Liu, J Wen, E Goh
Tourism Recreation Research 46 (2), 304-309, 2021
The future of ChatGPT in academic research and publishing: A commentary for clinical and translational medicine
J Wen, W Wang
Clinical and Translational Medicine 13 (3), e1207, 2023
A race for a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccine non-adopters
Z Su, J Wen, J Abbas, D McDonnell, A Cheshmehzangi, X Li, J Ahmad, ...
Brain, behavior, & immunity-health 9, 100159, 2020
Effects of perceived constraints and negotiation on learned helplessness: A study of Chinese senior outbound tourists
J Wen, SS Huang, E Goh
Tourism Management 78, 104059, 2020
Creating memorable experience in rural tourism: A comparison between domestic and outbound tourists
S Ye, W Wei, J Wen, T Ying, X Tan
Journal of Travel Research 60 (7), 1527-1542, 2021
Vaccines are not yet a silver bullet: The imperative of continued communication about the importance of COVID-19 safety measures
Z Su, J Wen, D McDonnell, E Goh, X Li, S Šegalo, J Ahmad, ...
Brain, behavior, & immunity-health 12, 100204, 2021
Drug tourism motivation of Chinese outbound tourists: Scale development and validation
J Wen, F Meng, T Ying, H Qi, T Lockyer
Tourism Management 64, 233-244, 2018
Tourism as a dementia treatment based on positive psychology
J Wen, D Zheng, H Hou, I Phau, W Wang
Tourism Management 92, 104556, 2022
The effects of push and pull travel motivations, personal values, and destination familiarity on tourist loyalty: A study of Chinese cigar tourists to Cuba
J Wen, S Huang
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 24 (8), 805-821, 2019
Traveling with pets: Constraints, negotiation, and learned helplessness
T Ying, J Tang, J Wen, S Ye, Y Zhou, FS Li
Tourism Management 82, 104183, 2021
Post-COVID-19 Chinese domestic tourism market recovery: Potential influence of traditional Chinese medicine on tourist behaviour
J Wen, CC Wang, M Kozak
Anatolia 32 (1), 121-125, 2021
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