Lazarus Adua
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State rescaling and local governments' austerity policies across the USA, 2001–2008
LM Lobao, L Adua
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 4 (3), 419-435, 2011
Privatization, business attraction, and social services across the United States: Local governments’ use of market-oriented, neoliberal policies in the post-2000 period
L Lobao, L Adua, G Hooks
Social Problems 61 (4), 644-672, 2014
Reviewing the complexity of energy behavior: Technologies, analytical traditions, and household energy consumption data in the United States
L Adua
Energy Research & Social Science 59, 101289, 2020
The social basis of agro‐environmental concern: physical versus social proximity
J Sharp, L Adua
Rural sociology 74 (1), 56-85, 2009
The human dimensions of climate change: A micro-level assessment of views from the ecological modernization, political economy and human ecology perspectives
L Adua, R York, BA Schuelke-Leech
Social Science Research 56, 26-43, 2016
Exploring the factors that influence energy use intensity across low-, middle-, and high-income households in the United States
C Chen, X Xu, L Adua, M Briggs, H Nelson
Energy Policy 168, 113071, 2022
The ineffectiveness of efficiency: The paradoxical effects of state policy on energy consumption in the United States
L Adua, B Clark, R York
Energy Research & Social Science 71, 101806, 2021
Examining survey participation and response quality: The significance of topic salience and incentives
L Adua, JS Sharp
Survey methodology 36 (1), 95-109, 2010
Seeking a handle on climate change: Examining the comparative effectiveness of energy efficiency improvement and renewable energy production in the United States
L Adua, KX Zhang, B Clark
Global Environmental Change 70, 102351, 2021
To cool a sweltering earth: Does energy efficiency improvement offset the climate impacts of lifestyle?
L Adua
Energy Policy 38 (10), 5719-5732, 2010
Super polluters and carbon emissions: Spotlighting how higher-income and wealthier households disproportionately despoil our atmospheric commons
L Adua
Energy Policy 162, 112768, 2022
The rebound effect and the challenge of moving beyond fossil fuels: A review of empirical and theoretical research
R York, L Adua, B Clark
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13 (4), e782, 2022
Even for the environment, context matters! States, households, and residential energy consumption
L Adua, B Clark
Environmental Research Letters 14 (6), 064008, 2019
Explaining residential energy consumption: a focus on location and race differences in natural gas use
L Adua, JS Sharp
Journal of Rural Social Sciences 26 (1), 6, 2011
US states initiation of energy efficiency policies in the era of climate change: Throwing a searchlight on the influence of political partisanship
L Adua
Environmental Science & Policy 115, 133-142, 2021
Modernizing our way out or digging ourselves in? Reconsidering the impacts of efficiency innovations and affluence on residential energy consumption, 2005–2015
L Adua, B Clark, R York, C Chen
Journal of Environmental Management 252, 109659, 2019
Reducing fossil fuel consumption in the household sector by enabling technology and behavior
C Chen, YU Wang, L Adua, H Bai
Energy Research & Social Science 60, 101402, 2020
The growth machine across the United States: Business actors’ influence on communities’ economic development and limited–government austerity policies
L Adua, L Lobao
City & Community 18 (2), 462-482, 2019
Politics and Corporate‐sector environmentally significant actions: The effects of political partisanship on US utilities energy efficiency policies
L Adua, B Clark
Review of Policy Research 38 (1), 31-48, 2021
Differentiated disadvantage: class, race, gender, and residential energy efficiency inequality in the United States
L Adua, R De Lange, AI Aboyom
Energy Efficiency 15 (7), 49, 2022
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