Cohomology of operator algebras and quantum dynamical semigroups E Christensen, DE Evans Journal of the London Mathematical Society 2 (2), 358-368, 1979 | 206 | 1979 |
Completely bounded multilinear maps andC*-algebraic cohomology E Christensen, EG Effros, A Sinclair Inventiones Mathematicae 90 (2), 279-296, 1987 | 181 | 1987 |
Derivations of nest algebras E Christensen Mathematische annalen 229 (2), 155-161, 1977 | 178 | 1977 |
Representations of completely bounded multilinear operators E Christensen, AM Sinclair Journal of Functional analysis 72 (1), 151-181, 1987 | 164 | 1987 |
Measures on projections and physical states E Christensen Communications in Mathematical Physics 86 (4), 529-538, 1982 | 119 | 1982 |
Subalgebras of a finite algebra E Christensen Mathematische Annalen 243, 17-29, 1979 | 107 | 1979 |
Spectral triples for AF C?-algebras and metrics on the Cantor set E Christensen, C Ivan Journal of Operator Theory 56 (1), 17-46, 2006 | 102 | 2006 |
Extensions of Derivations II E Christensen Math. Scand. 50, 111-122, 1982 | 101 | 1982 |
Dirac operators and spectral triples for some fractal sets built on curves E Christensen, C Ivan, ML Lapidus Advances in Mathematics 217 (1), 42-78, 2008 | 95 | 2008 |
A survey of completely bounded operators E Christensen, AM Sinclair Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 21 (5), 417-448, 1989 | 95 | 1989 |
Perturbations of operator algebras II E Christensen Indiana Univ. J. Math. 26, 891 - 904, 1977 | 93 | 1977 |
Near inclusions ofC*-algebras E Christensen Acta Mathematica 144 (1), 249-265, 1980 | 80 | 1980 |
On non self-adjoint representations of C*-algebras E Christensen American Journal of Mathematics 103 (5), 817-833, 1981 | 68 | 1981 |
Extension of derivations E Christensen Journal of Functional Analysis 27 (2), 234-247, 1978 | 65 | 1978 |
Perturbation of operator algebras E Christensen Inventiones Mathematicae 43 (1), 1-13, 1977 | 61 | 1977 |
Perturbations of type I von Neumann algebras E Christensen Journal of the London Mathematical Society 2 (3), 395, 1975 | 60 | 1975 |
Perturbations of nuclear C*-algebras E Christensen, AM Sinclair, RR Smith, SA White, W Winter | 50 | 2012 |
Completely order Isomorphic and Close C*-Algebras need not BE, *-Isomorphic MD Choi, E Christensen Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 15 (6), 604-610, 1983 | 46 | 1983 |
Hochschild cohomology of factors with property Γ E Christensen, F Pop, AM Sinclair, RR Smith Annals of mathematics, 635-659, 2003 | 39 | 2003 |
On the Hochschild cohomology for von Neumann algebras E Christensen, AM Sinclair Københavns Universitet. Matematisk Institut, 1988 | 36 | 1988 |