Afef Fekih
Afef Fekih
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
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A probabilistic multi-objective approach for power flow optimization in hybrid wind-PV-PEV systems
MJ Morshed, JB Hmida, A Fekih
Applied energy 211, 1136-1149, 2018
Adaptive PID-Sliding-Mode Fault-Tolerant Control Approach for Vehicle Suspension Systems Subject to Actuator Faults
M Moradi, A Fekih
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (3), 1041-1054, 2014
Sliding mode control of wind energy conversion systems: Trends and applications
Y Mousavi, G Bevan, IB Kucukdemiral, A Fekih
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 167, 112734, 2022
Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control design for aerospace systems: A bibliographical review
A Fekih
2014 American Control Conference, 1286-1291, 2014
Fast Reaching Finite Time synchronization Approach for Chaotic Systems With Application in Medical Image Encryption
B Vaseghi, S Mobayen, S Hashemi, A Fekih
IEEE Access 9, 25911-25925, 2021
Neural networks based system identification techniques for model based fault detection of nonlinear systems
A Fekih, H Xu, FN Chowdhury
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 3 (5 …, 2007
A new fault ride-through control for DFIG-based wind energy systems
MJ Morshed, A Fekih
Electric Power Systems Research 146, 258-269, 2017
An ontology-based CBR approach for personalized itinerary search systems for sustainable urban freight transport
A Bouhana, A Zidi, A Fekih, H Chabchoub, M Abed
Expert systems with applications 42 (7), 3724-3741, 2015
A probabilistic robust coordinated approach to stabilize power oscillations in DFIG-based power systems
MJ Morshed, A Fekih
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (10), 5599-5612, 2019
Finite time chaos synchronization in time-delay channel and its application to satellite image encryption in OFDM communication systems
B Vaseghi, SS Hashemi, S Mobayen, A Fekih
Ieee Access 9, 21332-21344, 2021
Fault-tolerant flight control design for effective and reliable aircraft systems
A Fekih
Journal of Control and Decision 1 (4), 299-316, 2014
A Fault-Tolerant Control Paradigm for Microgrid-Connected Wind Energy Systems
MJ Morshed, A Fekih
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (1), 360-372, 2018
A fault tolerant tracking control for a quadrotor UAV subject to simultaneous actuator faults and exogenous disturbances
S Mallavalli, A Fekih
International Journal of Control 93 (3), 655-668, 2020
Effective fault tolerant control design for nonlinear systems: application to a class of motor control system
A Fekih
IET Control Theory & Applications 2 (9), 762-772, 2008
A Stability Guaranteed Robust Fault Tolerant Control Design for Vehicle Suspension Systems Subject to Actuator Faults and Disturbances
M Moradi, A Fekih
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 23 (3), 1164 - 1171, 2015
A Novel Fault Ride Through Scheme for Hybrid Wind/PV Power Generation Systems
MJ Morshed, A Fekih
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (4), 2427 - 2436, 2020
Optimisation of the sizes of bonded composite repair in aircraft structures
SM Fekih, A Albedah, F Benyahia, M Belhouari, BB Bouiadjra, A Miloudi
Materials & Design 41, 171-176, 2012
A combined multi-objective intelligent optimization approach considering techno-economic and reliability factors for hybrid-renewable microgrid systems
A Heydari, MM Nezhad, F Keynia, A Fekih, N Shahsavari-Pour, DA Garcia, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production, 135249, 2023
Decoupling adaptive sliding mode observer design for wind turbines subject to simultaneous faults in sensors and actuators
H Habibi, I Howard, S Simani, A Fekih
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 8 (4), 837-847, 2021
Fault-tolerant control of wind turbine systems-a review
S Pourmohammad, A Fekih
2011 IEEE green technologies conference (IEEE-Green), 1-6, 2011
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