Boundary Element Techniques: Theory and Applications in Engineering, chaps. 3^ 5 CA Brebbia, JCF Telles, LC Wrobel Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York, 1984 | 8052* | 1984 |
Wrobel,“Boundary Element Techniques” T Brebbia, JCF Telles, LC JCF Springer-Verlag, New York, 1984 | 6818* | 1984 |
Boundary Element Techniques. Theory and Applications in Engineering, Berlim CA Brebbia, JCF Telles, LC Wrobel Springer-Verlag, 1984 | 6755* | 1984 |
Boundary element theory and application in engineering CA Brebia, JCF Telles, LC Wobel Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984 | 6755* | 1984 |
Bound—ary Element Techniques-M] Springer—Verlag CA BREBBIA, JCF Telles, LC WROBEI Berlin and New York, 1984 | 6747* | 1984 |
Boundary Element Techniques. Springer Verlag, Berlin CA Brebbia, JCF Telles, LC Wrobel Links, 1984 | 6715* | 1984 |
andW robelL C CA Brebbia, JCF Telles B oundary E lem ent T echniques (T heory and A pp lications in E ng ineering …, 1984 | 1556* | 1984 |
A self‐adaptive co‐ordinate transformation for efficient numerical evaluation of general boundary element integrals JCF Telles International journal for numerical methods in engineering 24 (5), 959-973, 1987 | 973 | 1987 |
The boundary element method applied to inelastic problems JCF Telles Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 322 | 2012 |
On the application of the boundary element method to plasticity JCF Telles, CA Brebbia Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 (6), 466-470, 1979 | 196 | 1979 |
Boundary element solution for half-plane problems JCF Telles, CA Brebbia International Journal of Solids and Structures 17 (12), 1149-1158, 1981 | 182 | 1981 |
On boundary elements for Reissner's plate theory VJ Karam, JCF Telles Engineering Analysis 5 (1), 21-27, 1988 | 116 | 1988 |
Third degree polynomial transformation for boundary element integrals: further improvements JCF Telles, RF Oliveira Engineering analysis with boundary elements 13 (2), 135-141, 1994 | 111 | 1994 |
The boundary element method in plasticity JCF Telles, CA Brebbia Applied Mathematical Modelling 5 (4), 275-281, 1981 | 98 | 1981 |
A numerical Green's function approach for boundary elements applied to fracture mechanics JCF Telles, GS Castor, S Guimaraes International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 38 (19), 3259-3274, 1995 | 83 | 1995 |
Implicit procedures for the solution of elastoplastic problems by the boundary element method JCF Telles, JAM Carrer Mathematical and Computer Modelling 15 (3-5), 303-311, 1991 | 70 | 1991 |
Iterative solution of BEM equations by GMRES algorithm LPS Barra, A Coutinho, WJ Mansur, JCF Telles Computers & Structures 44 (6), 1249-1253, 1992 | 65 | 1992 |
A boundary element formulation to solve transient dynamic elastoplastic problems JAM Carrer, JCF Telles Computers & structures 45 (4), 707-713, 1992 | 63 | 1992 |
Static and transient dynamic nonlinear stress analysis by the boundary element method with implicit techniques JCF Telles, JAM Carrer Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 14 (1), 65-74, 1994 | 58 | 1994 |
Elastic/viscoplastic problems using boundary elements JCF Telles, CA Brebbia International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 24 (10), 605-618, 1982 | 58 | 1982 |