Vinicius Fernandes dos Santos
Vinicius Fernandes dos Santos
Departamento de Ciência da Computação, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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Qubit allocation
MY Siraichi, VF Santos, C Collange, FMQ Pereira
Proceedings of the 2018 international symposium on code generation and …, 2018
Qubit allocation as a combination of subgraph isomorphism and token swapping
MY Siraichi, VF Santos, C Collange, FMQ Pereira
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3 (OOPSLA), 1-29, 2019
A strategy for clustering students minimizing the number of bus stops for solving the school bus routing problem
JFM Sarubbi, CMR Mesquita, EF Wanner, VF Santos, CM Silva
NOMS 2016-2016 IEEE/IFIP network operations and management symposium, 1175-1180, 2016
On the Carathéodory number of interval and graph convexities
MC Dourado, D Rautenbach, VF Dos Santos, PM Schäfer, JL Szwarcfiter
Theoretical Computer Science 510, 127-135, 2013
An upper bound on the P3-Radon number
MC Dourado, D Rautenbach, VF dos Santos, PM Schäfer, JL Szwarcfiter, ...
Discrete Mathematics 312 (16), 2433-2437, 2012
On the equitable total chromatic number of cubic graphs
S Dantas, CMH de Figueiredo, G Mazzuoccolo, M Preissmann, ...
Discrete Applied Mathematics 209, 84-91, 2016
The convexity of induced paths of order three and applications: complexity aspects
RT Araújo, RM Sampaio, VF dos Santos, JL Szwarcfiter
Discrete Applied Mathematics 237, 33-42, 2018
Parameterized Complexity of Equitable Coloring
G Gomes, CVGC Lima, VF Santos
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 21, 2019
On the total coloring of generalized Petersen graphs
S Dantas, CMH de Figueiredo, G Mazzuoccolo, M Preissmann, ...
Discrete mathematics 339 (5), 1471-1475, 2016
Complexity aspects of the computation of the rank of a graph
I Ramos, VF Santos, JL Szwarcfiter
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 16, 2014
Algorithmic and structural aspects of the P 3-Radon number
MC Dourado, D Rautenbach, VF dos Santos, PM Schäfer, JL Szwarcfiter, ...
Annals of Operations Research, 1-17, 2013
On the geodetic rank of a graph
MM Kanté, RM Sampaio, VF dos Santos, JL Szwarcfiter
Journal of Combinatorics 8 (2), 323-340, 2017
On the Radon Number for P 3-Convexity
MC Dourado, D Rautenbach, VF dos Santos, PM Schäfer, JL Szwarcfiter, ...
LATIN 2012: Theoretical Informatics: 10th Latin American Symposium, Arequipa …, 2012
Disconnected matchings
GCM Gomes, BP Masquio, PED Pinto, VF dos Santos, JL Szwarcfiter
Theoretical Computer Science 956, 113821, 2023
Combining rules and proportions: A multiobjective approach to algorithmic composition
HB Lopes, FVC Martins, RTN Cardoso, VF dos Santos
2017 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), 2282-2289, 2017
On recognition of threshold tolerance graphs and their complements
PA Golovach, P Heggernes, N Lindzey, RM McConnell, VF dos Santos, ...
Discrete Applied Mathematics 216, 171-180, 2017
Uma introdução à complexidade parametrizada
VF dos Santos, U dos Santos Souza
Anais da 34º Jornada de Atualização em Informática, CSBC, 232-273, 2015
Structural parameterizations for equitable coloring
GCM Gomes, MR Guedes, VF dos Santos
Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, 129-140, 2020
On the computational complexity of closest genome problems
LFI Cunha, P Feijão, VF dos Santos, LAB Kowada, CMH de Figueiredo
Discrete Applied Mathematics 274, 26-34, 2020
A fix‐and‐optimize heuristic for the minmax regret shortest path arborescence problem under interval uncertainty
IA Carvalho, TF Noronha, C Duhamel, LFM Vieira, VF Santos
International Transactions in Operational Research 30 (2), 1120-1143, 2023
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Articoli 1–20